Following the recent passing of Her Majesty The Queen, the Prime Minister of Australia has declared Thursday 22 September 2022 as the National Day of Mourning and recognised this day as a National public holiday.
Consequently, this will be considered a non-business day for Australian payments (except for Osko and Account Transfers), with no other payment processing to occur on this day. ANZ Transactive – Global will no longer allow you to create a payment for this value date.
For previously scheduled Future dated payments with this value date, these will automatically be processed for value on the next business day, Friday 23 September 2022. Alternatively, you can stop the payment and re-submit for processing on an alternative value date.
Please also note that Balance and Transaction Reporting (BTR) will still be available on this date, however there will be no data as it is a non-business day.
ANZ Fileactive and Cashactive Control payments, including host to host payments, will be processed for value on the next business day being Friday 23 September 2022.For more information, please refer to the Processing & cut-off times article in ANZ Digital Services Help.
FAQs- Click a payment from the International Payment Tracking screen
- For single beneficiary payments, the SWIFT Payment Tracking advice will open
- For multi-beneficiary payments, click a beneficiary to open the SWIFT Payment Tracking advice
- Click Download PDF to download the advice
For more information, refer to International Payment Tracking