Do we have to make these changes?
Yes, the current format of the Australian Domestic Payments (AU DE) data your organisation has been utilising will not be available after July 2024.
Will this service stop?
No, your organisation can continue to use this service the same way as your organisation does today as ANZ updates the technology infrastructure.
What is the impact for this service?
There are several changes to the way ANZ process the Australian Domestic Payments (AU DE) files. We anticipate that most customers using the current Australian Domestic Payments (AU DE) service will need to make required changes.
What are the specific changes?
There are several changes as listed below:
The AU DE service includes a Payment File, Reply File and associated accounting entries. Majority of this service remains the same, in particular the Host-to-Host connection and the overall file structure.
AU DE Payment and Reply File changes:
- Payment File - limit of 80,000 transactions per batch
- Self-Balancing Batches – new behaviour on how a self-balancing batch is processed and the reply files that your organisation receive for these types of batches.
- Reply File - Error codes – additional detail in how we present error codes and descriptions.
- Reply File –Mixed Payment Batches– your organisation will now receive two Reply Files instead of one.
- Statement Narrative / Accounting entries – your organisation will now see a different statement narrative.
We anticipate these changes will impact all customers. Please contact your account manager if your organisation requires additional information.
For more information, please refer to Australian Domestic Payments (AU DE) - Change Pack
Where can we find out more information?
Please refer to the Digital Solutions Uplift articles and engage your technology and business teams.
When can we engage ANZ to start the migration?
We will be migrating customers in tranches. ANZ’s account manager will be in contact with your organisation to mobilise the changes.