Company Administrators can enable and disable ANZ Managed users
From 10 July 2023, company administrators can enable and disable ANZ Managed users in ANZ Transactive - Global, providing immediate convenience and control to users in your organisation.
Disabling access to the digital channel helps reduce security concerns when a user is on extended leave, no longer requires access to the channel, or where there is suspicious/fraudulent activity, etc. Company Administrators can also enable disabled user access, when required.
This functionality reduces the need to complete service requests, forms or contact ANZ to enable or disable ANZ Managed users. Maintenance forms and service requests are required for all other user maintenance requests.
For more information, please refer to Disable User and Enable User.
Company Administration - User Activity Report
From Monday 10 July 2023, the User Activity Report will no longer be available from the Report Centre menu in ANZ Transactive - Global. The report is available from the Reports menu under Administration. Company Administrators can create, scheduled, view, edit, copy, download and delete the report from this menu.
Periodic Payments
From Monday 17 July 2023, Periodic Payments will be available to all ANZ Transactive - Global payments customers in Australia. Periodic Payments allow you to set up and manage a monthly recurring payment schedule. Payments are created up to seven days before the value date from a schedule and will be available to view and approve in the Current Payments screen and identified by a PPY template name prefix.
For more information refer to Periodic Payments.
ANZ Transactive - Global mobile app update
The ANZ Transactive - Global mobile app has a refreshed User Interface (UI). These changes are purely cosmetic, with the button placement and navigation remaining authentic to the previous version. All functionalities remain unchanged.
Updates to Commercial Cards screens
From 24 July 2023, Commercial Cards screens will be updated to provide a modernised look and feel. Eligible users can view the following updates from your Commercial Cards and Commercial Card Details screens.
Commercial Cards screen
- Changes to Settings on the Control Bar
- New Toggle Accessible Grid: when enabled, the right-click option and filter fields are disabled
- Removal of Set Reference Currency: set your reference currency from your user Settings and Preferences
Commercial Card Details screen
- Rebrand screen name to Commercial Card Details
- Display Billing Entities and status assigned to the user in a drop-down list
- Revise button layout and labels
- Modernise layout to include a table format
Updates to Commercial Cards Service Requests screens
From 24 July 2023, Commercial Cards Service Request screens will undergo cosmetic layout changes, providing a better workflow. All functionalities will remain unchanged.
For more information, please refer to the Commercial Cards Service Requests articles.
For more information, please refer to the Commercial Cards Service Requests articles.
Updates to Nostro Account screens
Updates to Nostro Accounts screens provide a new, simplified look and feel. Nostro Account users can view the following updates to your Nostro Accounts and Nostro Account Details screens.
Additional Account Status column added to the grid
Nostro Reports grouped into one category
New Request Daily Balance report available
For more information, please refer to Nostro Accounts.
Nostro Accounts screen
- Updates to the Settings menu:
- Addition of the Toggle Accessible Grid. When setting is enabled, your right-click option is disabled.
- Removal of Set Reference Currency. You can set your reference currency from your user Settings and Preferences
Nostro Account Details screen
- Rebranded screen name to Nostro Account Details
- Displays Accounts in a drop-down list
- Displays Account Status against the account
- Revised button layout and labels
- Modernised layout to include a table format
- Provides Date & Time particulars in the Info icon
- Removed Voucher Image column