June updates: Updates to Current Payments Grid & Cash Management Service Requests and Mobile Updates
Current Payments Grid
After receiving feedback, we are making it easier to find single payments in the Current Payments grid.
From 1 June, there will be two additional columns:
- Beneficiary: If a batch only contains a single item, the Beneficiary Name will be displayed. If a batch contains multiple items, ‘Batch of n items” will be displayed.
- Beneficiary Account: If a batch only contains a single item, the Beneficiary Account will be displayed. If a batch contains multiple items, ‘Batch of n items” will be displayed.
We have also changed the column "Payment Name/Beneficiary" to "Payment Name".
For more information on how to customise grids, click here.
Please continue to provide us with your feedback as we are listening and will keep making updates based on your experience.
Cash Management Service Requests and Mobile Updates
From 8 June, the following new features will be available in ANZ Transactive – Global:
- Mobile - Favourite Accounts: You will now be able to select and order specific accounts to be displayed in your Accounts list, hiding all other accounts. This provides you with the convenience and flexibility to prioritise the accounts you see in the Accounts screen.
Cash Management Service Requests Types: Two new service request types will be available:
- Backdate Transaction
- General Enquiry
- Cash Management Service Requests Role Entitlements: Customer Administrators can now assign specific accounts within a Legal Entity to a user for Cash Management Service Requests.
To find out more about these new features, click on the sections below.
How to create a Favourite Accounts list
1 | In the Accounts screen, click Reorder Accounts:
![]() You will only see this icon if you have the latest mobile version.
2 | Tap on an account to move into your Favourite Accounts list
RESULT: A Move to Favourite Accounts pop-up window is displayed
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3 | Click Move
RESULT: The account is in your Favourite Accounts list and will appear in your Accounts screen
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How to re-order accounts in your Favourite Accounts list
1 | From the Reorder Accounts screen, drag and drop your Favourite Accounts to your preferred order using the Drag and Drop icon.
RESULT: The accounts appear in your preferred order in the Accounts screen.
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To raise a Backdate Transaction service request, go to the Create Service Request screen, click Backdate Transaction and complete the sections below.
- Enter the Post Date or select a date or date range (maximum 30 days) from the calendar
- Select if the transaction is a credit, debit or both from the Credit/Debits list
- Enter the Amount
- Click Search and select the transaction you would like to backdate
- Enter the Backdate Transaction to and select a specific date from the calendar
- Enter the reason for backdating the transaction in the Please tell us why you are requesting to backdate this transaction section (up to 100 characters)
- Enter a note into the Your Reference section for your own record and other users in your organisation to view (up to 100 characters)
- Click Next
- Review the backdate transaction details and click Submit to submit the service request for processing
If the backdate details are not correct, click Previous to return to the previous screen and edit the details as required.
- In the confirmation pop-up window, choose your next course of action:
- Click View Request Details to view the request details
- Click Raise another Service Request to go to the Create Service Requests screen
- Click Ok to go to the Cash Management Service Requests screen
Click here to view the Cash Management Service Requests User Guide.

You will now able to raise a general enquiry on an Account or Transaction if your enquiry is not covered by one the existing service requests. For example, a general enquiry on the status of a draft, a special branch request or what a charge miscellaneous service fee is in relation to.
To raise a General Enquiry service request, go to the Create Service Request screen, click General Enquiry and complete the sections below.
- Account
- Transaction
- If you are entitled to more than one account, select the Account Number that the enquiry relates to from the drop-down list
- Enter the enquiry details in the Please provide the details of your enquiry below section (up to 100 characters)
- Enter who can be contacted in relation to the service request in the Contact Number section
- Enter a note into the Your Reference section for your own record and other users in your organisation to view (up to 100 characters)
- Click Next
- Review the enquiry details and click Submit to submit the service request for processing
If the enquiry details are not correct, click Previous to return to the previous screen and edit the details as required.
- In the confirmation pop-up window, choose your next course of action:
- Click View Request Details to view the request details
- Click Raise another Service Request to go to the Create Service Requests screen
- Click Ok to go to the Cash Management Service Requests screen
- If you are entitled to more than one Account, select the Account Number that the enquiry relates to from the drop-down list
- Enter the Post Date or select a date or date range (maximum 30 days) from the calendar
- Select if the transaction is a credit, debit or both from the Credit/Debits list
- Enter the Amount
- Click Search and select the transaction to enquire on
- Enter the enquiry details in the Please provide the details of your enquiry below section (up to 100 characters)
- Enter who can be contacted in relation to the service request in the Contact Number section
- Enter a note into the Your Reference section for your own record and other users in your organisation to view (up to 100 characters)
- Click Next
- Review the enquiry details and click Submit to submit the service request for processing
If the enquiry details are not correct, click Previous to return to the previous screen and edit the details as required.
- In the confirmation pop-up window, choose your next course of action:
- Click View Request Details to view the request details
- Click Raise another Service Request to go to the Create Service Requests screen
- Click Ok to go to the Cash Management Service Requests screen
Click here to view the Cash Management Service Requests User Guide.

Account level provisioning will allow your Administrators to specify the accounts within a legal entity that a user can access.
- Click Add Accounts to add specific accounts to a user
- Click Add Legal Entities to add specific Legal Entities to a user. The user will be able to access all accounts within their assigned Legal Entities.
- Click Add Permission to save these permissions to the user
Click here to view the Cash Management Service Requests User Guide.