Geography: This article is applicable for ANZ Transactive - Global customers banking in all ANZ geographies.
Full details are available in Features by Geography.
Full details are available in Features by Geography.
ANZ Fileactive - General FAQs
How long does it take to set up ANZ Fileactive?
Implementation time varies depending on several factors, including your chosen connectivity method, file type and range of services. ANZ will provide a detailed project plan outlining timeframes at the beginning of any ANZ Fileactive implementation.
What is ANZ Fileactive’s typical service availability?
ANZ Fileactive is generally available 24/7 x 365. However, service interruption may occur for a variety of reasons. Planned maintenance and service upgrades are completed outside of business hours to ensure minimal disruption. Payment type or currency cut-off times may restrict payment processing times.
ANZ Fileactive may be subject to interruption, unavailability or breach of security for various reasons. Access to and use of ANZ Fileactive is on an ‘as is, as available’ basis only.
How much does ANZ Fileactive cost?
Pricing for ANZ Fileactive is determined on a case-by-case basis individually for customers depending on their specific needs. Please contact ANZ for more information.
What is the difference between STP and Hybrid model processing?
- STP (straight through processing) is the automated two-way secure data exchange such as payments and account statement information between your systems and ANZ, requiring no manual intervention. Through ANZ Fileactive, STP can reduce reliance on manual processes such as web-based payment approval, helping to deliver operational efficiencies.
- Hybrid processing is the semi-automation of data exchange between your systems and ANZ (using ANZ Fileactive). A common example is where payment instructions are automatically set up in ANZ Transactive – Global and require approval by an authorised user(s) before processing.
What is the maximum batch size that can be processed through ANZ Fileactive?
The maximum batch size is 80,000 items with a file size of 4mb or less. The maximum number of batches per physical file or message is 500 batches. Please refer to File Formats - Host-to-Host under Technical guides.
What is ISO20022 and what does it mean for me?
ISO20022 is an emerging, data-rich XML file format (PAIN.00x, CAMT.052 and CAMT 053) that is expected to become the global industry standard for financial messaging in coming years. ANZ recommends that new or existing ANZ Fileactive customers consider adopting ISO20022 in order to benefit from the improved transaction speed and efficiency that it offers. For more information about the migration to ISO20022, visit ISO20022 - The new global language of payments or contact your ANZ Representative.
Glossary of Abbreviations
Common abbreviations frequently used when referring to ANZ Fileactive.
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard is a method of encryption to protect sensitive data. |
API | Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows two applications to communicate with each other. |
AS2 | Applicability Statement 2 is a file transfer protocol that allows businesses to exchange data with their trading partners. |
BCP | Business Continuity Planning is a process outlining how a business will continue operating during an unplanned disruption to its service. |
CURL | Client Uniform Resource Locator is a command-line tool used to transfer data to and from a server. |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning is a management software that integrates a business' essential departments. |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol is a method of transferring files between computers. |
GET | The HTTP method for a customer system to retrieve data in an API message sent back from ANZ Fileactive API. |
H2H | Host-to-Host is an automated solution for secure electronic data transfer between banks and their corporate clients. |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol is an application protocol that allows users to communicate data on the World Wide Web. |
HTTPS | Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secured is an extension to HTTP allowing for secure encrypted communications over a computer network. |
JSON | Javascript Object Notation is a lightweight format that is used for data interchanging. |
MDN | Message Disposition Notification is a receipt document that contains the message ID and status information of the original message. |
OAuth | OAuth is an open standard for delegating customer system access to ANZ Fileactive API’s. |
PGP | Pretty Good Privacy is a high-security RSA public key encryption application. |
POST | The HTTP method for a customer system to send an API message to ANZ Fileactive API. |
REST/RESTful | Representational state transfer is a software architectural style created to guide the design and development of the World Wide Web. |
SFTP | Secure File Transfer Protocol is a network protocol that provides secure encrypted file access, transfer and management over any reliable data stream. |
SMIME | Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions enable encryption of emails to allow for secure exchange of e-mail and attached documents. |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol is a messaging protocol for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services in computer networks. |
SSH | Secure Shell is a network protocol for secure data communication. |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer is a security protocol that provides privacy, authentication, and integrity to Internet communications. |
STATUS CODE | HTTP status codes are what the ANZ Fileactive API server sends in the response back to the customer system with regards to the status of the request. |
STP | Straight Through Processing is an automated process completed through electronic transfers with no manual intervention involved. |
VPN | Virtual Private Network enables online privacy and anonymity by creating a private network from a public internet connection. |
ANZ Fileactive - Payment FAQs
How do I determine if an ANZ Transactive - Global payment was processed through Fileactive?
Fileactive Straight Through Payments (STP) - You can extract reports from Past Payments within ANZ Transactive - Global for all payment method types, excluding Account Transfers. The transaction reports will have a similar look and feel for payments created in Transactive - Global to those created via Fileactive. The following key differences will identify payments processed through Fileactive:
- the Payment ID prefix will commence with 3, 4 or 5
- the Input Method will appear as Host-to-Host
- the Created by will be displayed as SYSTEM
How do I check if a transaction in a payment batch file has been rejected?
The return status file received for Host-to-Host payments will indicate the status per individual payment in a batch file, including rejected payments with a rejection reason.
How do I check if a transaction in a payment batch file needs repair?
The return status file received for Host-to-Host non-Straight Through Processing (NSTP) payments will now indicate the status per individual payment in a batch file, including those that need repair.
How do I check if a transaction in a Direct Debit batch file has been rejected?
The return status file received for Host-to-Host non-Straight Through Processing (NSTP) Direct Debits will indicate the status per individual Direct Debit in a batch file, including rejected Direct Debits with a rejection reason.
How do I check if a transaction in a Direct Debit batch file needs repair?
The return status file received for Host-to-Host non-Straight Through Processing (NSTP) Direct Debits will indicate the status per individual Direct Debit in a batch file, including those that need repair.
ANZ Fileactive - PGP Key FAQs
What is a PGP key?
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) key is a data encryption tool used to encrypt and decrypt files, text and emails, providing privacy, security and authentication for online communications. PGP key uses a combination of a public key and a private key, generating a keypair to send and receive files securely, and providing a unique signature.
To protect your ANZ Fileactive files, download the current public PGP key, and contact your organisation’s technical support or ERP administrator for assistance updating your ERP system with the current PGP key.
How do I download the public PGP key?
To protect your ANZ Fileactive files, download the current public PGP key. Contact your organisation’s technical support or ERP administrator for assistance updating your ERP system with the current PGP key.
ANZ Fileactive PGP Key
The current PGP key is valid until 17 November 2027
Version: SecureBlackbox 20
File Type: .pub
File Size: 2KB
ANZ Fileactive - File Format FAQs
What File Formats are accepted by ANZ?
ANZ recommends using the ISO 20022 XML file format (PAIN.00x, CAMT.052 and CAMT 053), as this is an emerging global standard for data-rich financial messaging. Alternatively, ANZ Fileactive can also support a range of industry-standard or bespoke file types, including BAI, SAP Multicash and CSV.
What are the file format specifications?
Please refer to the following PDF guides for File Format Specifications:
Can I upload a payment file containing multiple currencies or payment types?
Using Fileactive, you can upload a payment file with multiple currencies and payment method types. The file will be split into a single currency or payment method when it appears in ANZ Transactive - Global.
Do NSTP payments support NCC types in ISO format i.e. 5 characters?
Yes. non-Straight Through Processing (NSTP) payments now support National Clearing Code (NCC) types in ISO format (5 characters).
Debit Account Country
Payment Method Given Under Local Instrument |
Beneficiary NCC Type
Derived NCC Type
AU | Y | CACPA | CC |
AU | N | USABA | FW |
NZ | Y | INFSC | IN |
NZ | N | ZANCC | ZA |
CN | Y | GBDSC | SC |
CN | N | NZNCC | NZ |
How long can payment files be backdated in Fileactive?
Payment files can be backdated based on the payment type:
- Direct Entry, Direct Debit: 7 days
- International Payments, BPAY, RTGS/SCP, Multibank: 14 days
- OSKO - STP and NSTP: 14 days
Can ANZ Fileactive support Excel spreadsheets?
Due to various formatting options available in Excel, the spreadsheet may become unsuitable for system-to-system integration. ANZ Fileactive supports and recommends any text based files (e.g. CSV, XML etc.) to submit payment files.
Can Confidential Data Group’s (CDG) be applied to payment files processed via Fileactive STP (straight-though processing)?
Currently, this option is not available. However, you can apply CDG to Fileactive NSTP (non-straight through processing) payment files processed via Fileactive or Transactive - Global's manual and hybrid models.
Can Confidential Data Group’s (CDG) be applied to payment files once it has been processed?
Yes. Please contact the Customer Service Centre and request the CDG to be applied to the payment file.
We recommend ensuring that your Fileactive NSTP payment files include the CDG status (where applicable) before being sent for processing.
ANZ Fileactive - POS FAQs
Who do I contact if I have a question about the information in our POS reporting?
Contact the Merchant Servicing Team on 1800 039 025 (Int (03) 91136320).
Who do I contact if I need to change the POS reporting arrangements (set up new arrangements or close an arrangement)?
Contact your ANZ Relationship Manager or Account Manager who will assist you with completing the relevant documentation.
Who do I contact if I haven’t received a file?
Contact ANZ on 133 199 (int +61 3 9601 1200) 7am-8pm AEST.
ANZ Fileactive - IP Address Decommission FAQs
How will I be notified of the change?
Communications were sent via email on 25 June 2024 directly to impacted customers.
What do I need to do?
For customers that use the IP address to receive files from Fileactive will need to specify a new IP address to allow communications with Fileactive. Details of the above are specified in the Comms.
When do I need to make the change?
All impacted customers are encouraged to make the change now, prior to decommission date of Saturday 9 November 2024 at 9am AEST.
What if I can't connect to a DNS and only IP?
If this is the case you will need to connect to the primary IP listed in the communications. This is not recommended by ANZ as you would need to make a change in your environment should Fileactive experience a disaster recovery event or change IP's in future.
What if I don't know where this connection is coming from?
We recommend that you internally source assistance from your networking team or MFT provider to investigate traffic being sent to IP
I use Zip and Encrypt, does this mean I don't need to make the change?
No, Zip and Encrypt doesn't change anything as that's how the files are set up. You will still need to change.
What happens if I haven't made the change by the due date?
Failure to update the IP address details before the decommission date will result in customers systems not being able to connect to ANZ Fileactive.
If I connect to ANZ Fileactive via IP address and my system is currently undertaking upgrades/changes can I still make the IP address change?
Yes you can. Please contact ANZ Fileactive on to discuss and we will work in with you to support your upgrades/changes.