Full details are available in Features by Geography.
- Single Approver: Requires one approver to authorise a transaction
- Dual Approvers: Requires any two approvers to authorise a transaction
- Approvers from Different Work Groups: Requires any two approvers to authorise a transaction from different Work Groups
- Panel Approvers: Requires approvers from a structured Panel Authorisation mandate to authorise a transaction based on the product type and transaction amount range.
All approvers are required to authorise a transaction with two-factor authentication (2FA).
My Organisation's Profile | If required, manage your Panel Approver Aliases and Payment File Definition preferences. |
Address Book | Store commonly used address book party information, including counterparty name, address and account details. Use the magnifying glass to populate the name and address fields from the selected Address Book party in a transaction.
For more information, refer to Manage Address Book parties. |
Foreign Exchange Rates | Indicative rates convert transaction amounts to your organisation's base currency to calculate the User's threshold limits for authorisation purposes.
For more information, refer to View Foreign Exchange Rates. |
Invoice File Definitions | View the Invoice file format that defines the exact order, date format and delimiters the upload file needs to meet for Trade Loans and Supply Chain Finance invoices.
For more information, refer to View Invoice Definitions. |
Notification Rules | Notification criteria define the recipients and frequency of automated portal and email notifications for your organisation. Only one customised Notification Rule exists per organisation.
For more information, refer to View Notification Rules. |
Panel Authorisation Groups | View the organisation's signing mandate. Panel Authorisation Groups ensure the correct number of users approve a transaction based on the currency, value, sequence, and number of approvers. The Panel Group is then assigned to a user profile.
For more information, refer to Manage Panel Authorisation Rules. |
Phrases | Store commonly used standard text, including Goods Descriptions and Settlement Instructions, and apply to a transaction using the field drop-down list.
For more information, refer to Manage Phrases. |
Security Profiles | Bank standard Security Profiles define access, permissions and capabilities that users can view, create, edit, authorise or delete. Each user is assigned a Security Profile.
For more information, refer to View Security Profiles. |
Templates | Commonly used details within a transaction are saved as a template for frequent use. For more information, refer to Manage Templates.
For more information, refer to Manage Templates. |
Template Groups | Assign templates to a Template Group and define which users can use specific templates. Template Groups enables further control over the type of Instruments a user can create. The Template Group is then assigned to a user profile.
For more information, refer to Manage Template Groups. |
Threshold Groups | A maximum threshold amount per product is set for an individual transaction or daily transaction limit and applied to a user profile.
For more information, refer to Manage Threshold Groups. |
Trading Partner Rules | View the buyer or supplier details registered for Receivable Financing or Payable Financing programs.
For more information, refer to View Trading Partner Rules. |
Users | Organisation's User profiles and entitlements.
For more information, refer to Manage User profiles. |
Work Groups | Assign Work Groups to users for authorisation purposes, where the organisation's authorisation model requires two approvers from different groups. The Work Group is then assigned to a user profile.
For more information, refer to Manage Work Groups. |
Show 10 20 30 | Click to show number of Address Book parties in the grid. |
New | Click New to create a new Address Book party. |
Settings | Add or remove columns. |
Include Banks | If required, click the checkbox to view banks in the grid. |
Refresh | Click to Refresh the records on the screen. |
Search Type (Magnify Glass) | If required, click to select the search type, i.e., Address Line 1, City, Party Name, etc. |
Search Field | If required, enter the details of your search type. |
Party Name | Address Book party name. |
Address | Address Line 1. |
City | City. |
Country or Region | Country or Region. |
Party Type |
Added By |
Swift Address | SWIFT Code. |
Vendor ID | Your ERP system's unique party reference ID. |
Street Name | Address Line 1. |
Building Number | Building Number. |
Town Name | Town Name. |
Post Code | Post Code. |
ISO20022 Compliant | Yes or No. |
1 | Click Reference Data from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Address Book |
3 | Click New |
4 | Enter the General details, including counterparty name and address fields
5 | If required, enter the Communications details, including phone number, email address and contact name
6 | If required, enter the Advising/Collecting Bank details. These details will populate into the Advising Banking field when the Address Book party is selected.
NOTE: Use the magnifying glass to search and select the bank details |
7 | If required, enter the Settlement Accounts, including account numbers, currency, payment method and bank details
NOTE: Use the magnifying glass to search and select the Bank/Branch Code details |
8 | Click Save & Close from the Context Panel menu
RESULT: The new Address Book party is available from the grid and can be applied to a transaction where the magnifying glass is available.
1 | Click Reference Data from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Address Book |
3 | Click a Party Name from the grid to view the party name, address, communication details and settlement accounts |
4 | Click Close from the Context Panel menu |
1 | Click Reference Data from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Address Book |
3 | Click a Party Name from the grid |
4 | Edit details as required |
5 | Click Save & Close from the Context Panel menu
RESULT: The updated Address Book party is available to view from the grid and can be applied to a transaction where the magnifying glass is available.
1 | Click Reference Data from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Address Book |
3 | Click a Party Name from the grid |
4 | Click Delete from the Context Panel menu |
5 | Click OK from the Alert window
RESULT: The deleted Address Book party has been removed from the grid and cannot be applied to a transaction via the magnifying glass.
1 | Open a transaction where the Address Book party name and address is to be applied |
2 | Click the magnifying glass against the field to apply the Address Book party
See the example below: |
3 | Search and select the radio button against the Party Name from the Address Book Search window |
4 | Click Select
RESULT: The Party name and address will populate into the required fields.
Show 10 20 30 | Click to show number of Invoice Definitions in the grid. |
Display Name | Invoice Definition name. |
Description | Invoice Definition description. |
1 | Click Reference Data from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Invoice Definitions |
3 | Click a Display Name from the grid to view the format and criteria required for your invoice upload file:
The General Invoice Summary Data Fields table defines the maximum field character limit and if the field is deemed mandatory.
4 | Click Close from the Context Panel menu |
Show 10 20 30 | Click to show number of Phrases in the grid. |
New | Click New to create a Phrase. |
Phrase Name | Phrase Name. |
Phrase Category | Field name the Phrase is associated with |
Added By |
1 | Click Reference Data from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Phrases |
3 | Click New |
4 |
Enter a Phrase Name
5 | Select a Phrase Category, e.g. Additional Conditions, Goods Description, Discrepancy Response Instructions, etc. |
6 | Enter Phrase Text |
7 |
Click Save & Close from the Context Panel menu
RESULT: The Phrase is available from the grid and can be applied to a transaction.
1 | Click Reference Data from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Phrases |
3 | Click a Phrase Name from the grid to view the phrase category and text |
4 | Click Close from the Context Panel menu |
1 | Click Reference Data from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Phrases |
3 | Click a Phrase Name from the grid |
4 | Edit details as required |
5 |
Click Save & Close from the Context Panel menu
RESULT: The updated Phrase is available from the grid and can be applied to a transaction.
1 | Click Reference Data from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Phrases |
3 | Click a Phrase Name from the grid |
4 | Click Delete from the Context Panel menu |
5 | Click OK from the Alert window
RESULT: The deleted Phrase has been removed from the grid and cannot be applied to a transaction.
1 | Open a transaction where the Phrase is to be applied |
2 |
Click and select the Text Phrase from the Phrase Category drop-down list
See the example below:
RESULT: The Phrase has populated into the required field.
3 | If required, edit the populated Phrase from within the text box to apply to the transaction |
Show 10 20 30 | Click to show number of templates in the grid. |
New | Click New to create a Template. |
Template Name | Enter a Template Name to search. |
ISO20022 Compliant Payment | If required, click the checkbox to view ISO20022 Compliant Payment templates. |
Search | Click Search to commence the template search. |
Template Name | Template name. |
Instrument Type | Instrument Type of Template. |
Party Name | Party name associated with the Template. |
ISO20022 Compliant | Yes or No. |
Express | Express templates contain fields and phrases added by the Bank and cannot be modified. |
Fixed | Fixed templates allow you to customise template fields that can be accessible for editing and those that are uneditable. |
Added By |
1 | Click Reference Data from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Templates |
3 | Click New |
4 | Enter the Template Name
5 | If required, select the Template Group
6 | Choose from one of the following three options:
Copy from Existing Instrument
Copy from Existing Template
Use Blank Instrument Template
RESULT: The new Template is available from the grid and can be applied to create a new transaction.
1 | Click Reference Data from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Templates |
3 | Click a Template Name from the grid to view the details |
4 | Click Close from the Context Panel menu |
1 | Click Reference Data from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Templates |
3 | Click a Template Name from the grid |
4 | Edit details as required |
5 | Click Save & Close from the Context Panel menu
RESULT: The updated Template is available from the grid and can be applied to create a new transaction.
1 | Click Reference Data from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Templates |
3 | Click a Template Name from the grid |
4 | Click Delete from the Context Panel menu |
5 | Click OK from the Alert window
RESULT: The deleted Template has been removed from the grid and cannot be applied to create a new transaction.
1 | Click New Instruments from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Choose Template |
3 | Search and select the Template from the Template Search window |
4 | Click Select
RESULT: A new instrument created from a template.
5 | If required, edit the instrument details, then click Verify |
Show 10 20 30 | Click to show number of Trading Partner Rules in the grid. |
New | Click New to create a Trading Partner Rule. |
Trading Partner Name | Search field |
Trading Partner ID | Search field |
Trading Partner Name | Trading Partner Name. |
Trading Partner ID | Trading Partner ID. |
Date Created | Date the Trading Partner Rule was created |
1 | Click Reference Data from the Application Banner menu |
2 | Click Trading Partner Rules |
3 | Click a Trading Partner Name from the grid to view the details |
4 | Click Close from the Context Panel menu |