Geography: This article is applicable for ANZ Transactive - Global customers banking in all ANZ geographies. Full details are available in Features by Geography.
About your workspace dashboard
Your Workspace dashboard is your default landing screen when you log into ANZ Transactive - Global for the first time. This screen is customisable, allowing you to choose and arrange content that suits your needs, including workspace widgets displaying favorite accounts and reports, payments and trade finance transactions pending approval, and Commercial Cards information.
The workspace widgets available to you, are based on your organisation's and user entitlements.
How to use your Workspace dashboard
Move between Workspaces by clicking on the list in the Workspace Header. “Workspace”, “Analytics” and “Payments” are the default Workspaces. You can have as many Workspaces as you like and you can customise the content in each Workspace.
To add content to your Workspace, click Add to Workspace on the Workspace Header and select the content thumbnail.
The content widgets will appear on your dashboard and can be customised by:
Dragging and dropping to your preferred location on the page
Resizing the content window by dragging the resize icon on the bottom of the content window
Refreshing the details by clicking on the refresh button on the right hand side of the content window
Removing content from your Workspace by clicking X on the top right of the content window
Applying additional settings such as viewing different types of account balances, downloading the various account reports or adding accounts through the settings menu on the top right of the content window
For more information, refer to the relevant sections below.
Click on the ANZ icon in the Application Header to go to your Workspaces.
Click Manage Workspaces to create a new workspace or to reorder, rename or remove Workspaces
To create a new Workspace, enter a name for the Workspace in Create a new workspace and click Add
To customise the order of Workspaces appearing in the Workspace Header, select the Workspace by clicking on the icon to the left of the Workspace name, and drag it to your preferred location
To rename a Workspace, click the Workspace name and type the new name
To delete a Workspace, click the Remove Workspace button to the right of the Workspace name
Click Ok
RESULT: The changes will be reflected in the Workspace Header.
Favourite Reports
Favorite Reports widget will be incompatible for users who have been upgraded to the new Report menus. New Reports widgets will be available in the coming months. You can also schedule and email your reports. For more information, please refer to the Creating and Scheduling Reports video.
You can add your most used Report Profiles to a Favourite Reports content window so that you can easily run the report. Click Run this Report Profile to generate the report. You can reorder the list by clicking and dragging the report row and moving it to your desired place in the list.
Run this Report Profile
Click Run this Report Profile to generate the report.
RESULT: The report will be created and available to download in Notifications or in Report Centre > Download Report.
Remove Report Profile
Click Remove in Show Actions to remove the report from your Favourite Reports list.
Click Settings to:
Add Favourite Reports
Remove Favourite Reports
Click Ok after you have changed the settings.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Favourite Accounts Reports
Favorite Accounts Reports widget will be available to users who have been upgraded to the new Account Reports menu in ANZ Transactive - Global. The workspace widget will be available in the coming weeks.
Add your most used Account Report Profiles to your Favourite Accounts Reports widget to easily run the report. Click Run this Report Profile to generate the report. You can reorder the list by clicking and dragging the report row and moving it to your desired place in the list.
Run this Report Profile
Click Run this Report Profile to generate the report.
RESULT: The report will be created and available to download in Notifications or in Report Centre > Download Report.
Remove Report Profile
Click Remove in Show Actions to remove the report from your Favourite Reports list.
Click Settings to:
Add Favourite Reports
Remove Favourite Reports
Click Ok after you have changed the settings.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
You can add Deposits to your Workspace so that you have a consolidated view of your deposits. To view detailed information on a deposit, click on a deposit in the list.
Download Statement
To download a statement for all deposits, click Download in the content header
To download a statement for one deposit, click Download in Show Actions
You can set default Download Settings in Settings.
Click Refresh to update the information in the content window.
Click Settings to:
Group deposits by Maturing Today
Group deposits by Maturing This Week
Group deposits by Maturing This Month
Set default Download Settings
Click Ok after you have changed the settings.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Favourite Accounts
Favourite Accounts provides a snapshot of the account details and balances most relevant to you. You can add up to 20 accounts to a Favourite Accounts content window. If you have more than 20 favourite accounts, you can add multiple Favourite Accounts content windows to a Workspace. Click on an account to go to the Operating Account Details screen.
Add Accounts
Click Add Accounts and select one or more accounts to add in the Add Accounts pop-up window. Click OK.
Reorder Accounts
Click and drag the arrow icon in Show Actions to move the account to your preferred position within the list.
Download Statement
To download a statement for all Favourite Accounts, click Download in the content header
To download a statement for one account, click Download in Show Actions
You can set default Download Settings in Settings.
Remove Account
Click Remove in Show Actions.
Click Refresh to update the information in the content window.
Click Settings to:
Show/Hide Available Balance in the content window
Show/Hide Available Funds in the content window
Set default Download Settings
Add accounts
Delete multiple accounts
Click Ok after you have changed the settings.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Historical Balances
Add a Historical Balances graph to your Workspace to see account balances for accounts that you are entitled to view. Choose the type of graph and up to seven accounts to display. You can add additional Historical Balances content windows to a Workspace if you have more than seven accounts that you would like to display. Select the calendar to change the date range displayed. Hover over the graph to obtain further information about the balances. To hide details of an account on the graph, deselect the account listed under the graph by clicking on the account.
Change the date range displayed. You can choose a date period ranging from Last Week, 3 Months, 6 Months or 12 Months.
Click Settings to:
Choose the Chart Type; select Line or Area
Convert balances to a reference currency
Add accounts
Remove accounts
Click Ok after you have changed the settings.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Net Position
Add a Net Position graph to your Workspace to view aggregated balances across different accounts you are entitled to view. Choose the type of graph to display and how you want the accounts to be grouped. Hover over the graph to obtain more information about the net position such as account balances.
Refresh data
Click Refresh to update the information in the content window.
Click Settings to:
Choose the Chart Type; select Doughnut, Bar or Waterfall
Group data by Company, Country or Region, Currency or Account Type
Convert balances to a reference currency
Click Ok after you have changed the settings.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Loan Summary
If you have access to Loans, you canadd Loan Summary to your Workspace which will provide a summary of your active loan facilities. Click on a loan to go to the Loan Summary screen.
Download Statement
Click Download to download a report for your loans.
You can set default Download Settings in Settings.
Click Refresh to update the information in the content window.
Click Settings to:
Group your loans by Maturing Today, Maturing This Week and Maturing This Month
Set default Download Settings
Click Ok after you have changed the settings.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Commercial Cards
Cards Limit Utilisation
If you have access to Commercial Cards, you can add Cards Limit Utilisation to your Workspace to provide you with a graphical view of your Commercial Card Billing Entity balances against the applicable limit to show usage. To start, click Add Billing Entities in the middle of the content window. Hover over the graph to obtain further information about the balances.
Click Refresh to update the information in the content window.
Click Settings to:
Specify a Reference Currency to display the balances on screen. Note that the exchange rate used to convert balances is indicative only.
Add up to 10 Billing Entities
Delete Billing Entities
Click Ok after you have changed the settings.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Cards Program at a Glance
If you have access to Commercial Cards, you can add Cards Program at a Glance to your Workspace so that you have a consolidated view of your Commercial Cards.
Click Refresh to update the information in the content window.
Click Settings to specify a reference currency to display the balances on screen. Note that the exchange rate used to convert balances is indicative only.
Click Ok after you have changed the settings.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Cards Top Spend
If you have access to Commercial Cards, you can add Cards Top Spend to your Workspace to provide you with a graphical view of the top ten Merchant Category Code (MCC) Groups where card payments are made for your Commercial Cards Billing Entities. Hover over the graph to obtain further information about the balances.
Click Settings to:
Group by Merchant Group or Merchant Name
Specify a Reference Currency to display the balances on screen. Note that the exchange rate used to convert balances is indicative only.
Show Data For a period of up to two years
Click Ok after you have changed the settings.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Commercial Card Approvals
If you have access to Commercial Cards, add Commercial Card Approvals to your Workspace to view Commercial Card Service Requests that are Pending Approval and that you have permission to approve.
Expand or collapse the section. When the results are expanded, you can select items and approve or reject as required.
No. Pending Approval
Displays the number of items that are Pending Approval.
Select All (checkbox)
Tick to select all the records Pending Approval.
Click Refresh to update the information in the content window.
Click Settings to specify the types of Pending Approval records to display. Select Commercial Cards.
Click Ok after you have changed the settings.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Sort Settings
Click Sort Settings to sort the items. Select the sort criteria from the drop-down list and choose if you want the items displayed in Ascending or Descending order.
Approve Service Requests
Select one or more service requests and click Approve.
Read and tick the declaration checkbox and add a note into the Comments box if required and click Submit.
RESULT: A confirmation pop-up window is displayed.
If the request was in a Pending Approval status:
Single Administration: The request will be submitted for processing
Dual or Triple Administration: The request will be in a Pending Second Approval status
If the request was in a Pending Second Approval status and additional verification is required for a new cardholder request, the request will be in a Pending Verification status
If the request was in a Pending Second Approval status and no additional verification is required, the request will be submitted for processing
Reject Service Requests
Select one or more service requests and click Reject
Enter a reason for rejecting the service request and click Reject
RESULT: A confirmation message is displayed advising that the service request has been rejected and the status changes to Rejected.
Initiate Payments
Provides a convenient means to initiate a payment. You can choose to use a template, upload a file, use a past payment or create a payment manually. Click Remove to remove the content window from your Workspace.
Payments Status
If you have access to payments functionality in ANZ Transactive – Global, you can add Payments Status to your Workspace so that you can view the current status of the payments that you have created. Click any of the statuses to see the details of the payments from the Current Payments screen.
If you have multiple divisions, you can select the division to show the payment information for.
If you are entitled to only one division, you will not see this field.
Click Refresh to update the information in the content window.
Click Settings to:
Specify the payment statuses to display
Select viewing preference, choose from List or Grid
Click Ok after you have changed the settings.
By default, Deleted and Future Dated statuses are not displayed and the View Preference is Grid.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Pending Approval
If you have access to payments and direct debit functionality in ANZ Transactive – Global and have approver entitlements, you can add Pending Approval to your Workspace so that you can view Payments, Direct Debits, Beneficiaries, Payers, Payment Templates and Direct Debit Templates that are in a Pending Approval status and approve or reject them from here.
If you are an approver for multiple functions, i.e. Payments, Beneficiaries or Templates, you will be prompted to select the types of records to display the first time you add Pending Approval to your Workspace. Select the checkboxes as required and click OK.
Expand or collapse the line items for each function. When the results are expanded, you can select items and approve or reject as required.
No. Pending Approval
Displays the number of items for the function that are Pending Approval.
Select All (checkbox)
Tick to select all the records Pending Approval under a function.
Click Refresh to update the information in the content window.
Click Settings to specify how to sort the items for each function. Choose from Ascending or Descending order
Click Ok after you have changed the settings.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Sort Settings
Click Sort Settings to sort the items listed under a function. Select the sort criteria from the drop-down list and choose if you want the items displayed in Ascending or Descending order.
Approve Payment/Direct Debit
Select one or more payments/direct debits and click Approve.
RESULT: The Approve Selected Payments/Direct Debits pop-up window is displayed. Go to Approve Payments.
Reject Payment/Direct Debit
Select one or more payments/direct debits and click Reject.
Select a reason for rejecting the payment/direct debit from the drop-down list or select Other and enter a reason. Click Ok.
RESULT: A confirmation message is displayed advising that the payment/direct debit has been rejected and the status changes to Approver Rejected.
Approve Beneficiaries/Payers
Select one or more payees/payers and click Approve.
RESULT: A confirmation message is displayed advising that the payee/payer has been approved:
If the request is to approve a new or edited payee/payer, the status changes toApproved
If the request is to approve deleting a payee/payer, the status changes toDeleted
Reject Beneficiaries/Payers
Select one or more payees/payers and click Reject.
RESULT: A confirmation message is displayed advising that the payee/payer has been rejected:
If the request is to reject a new payee/payer, the status changes toCreation Rejected
If the request is to reject a payee/payer that has been edited or that has been deleted, the status changes toModification Rejected
Approve Template
Select one or more templates and click Approve.
RESULT:A confirmation message is displayed advising that the template(s) has been approved and the template status changes toApproved.
Reject Template
Select one or more templates and click Reject.
Select a reason for rejecting the template(s) from the drop-down list or select Other and enter a reason. Click Ok.
RESULT:A confirmation message is displayed advising that the template(s) has been rejected and the template status changes toApprover Rejected.
Trade Finance
Trade Approvals
If you have access to Trade Finance, add Trade Approvals to your Workspace to view trade transactions that are Pending Approval and that you have permission to approve or send for repair.
Select All (checkbox)
Tick to select all transactions Pending Approval.
Click Refresh to update the information in the content window.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Repair Instrument
Select a transaction and click Repair
Review the details of the transaction in the Repair Transaction pop-up window:
Enter a Repair Reason for the transaction
RESULT: The Submit button will be enabled.
If required, select recipients from the Send Email Notification list who you would like to notify that the transaction has been sent for repair
Click Submit
RESULT: A confirmation message is displayed advising that the transaction has been requested to be repaired and the transaction status changes to Repair.
To view the repair details or edit the transaction, Open in Transactive Trade / APEA.
Approve Instrument
Select one or more transactions and click Approve
Review the details of the transaction(s) in the Approve Transactions pop-up window:
If the transaction does not require two-factor authentication, a summary of the selected transaction for approval will be displayed:
If the transaction requires a one-time password (OTP), a summary of the selected transaction for approval will be displayed and you will be prompted to enter your security credentials for OTP:
If the transaction requires a signature, a summary of the selected transaction for approval will be displayed and you will be prompted to enter your security credentials for signature:
Click Approve
If the transaction does not require an Authorisation Code, click Approve in the confirmation pop-up window
If the transaction requires two-factor authentication, follow the instructions provided, enter your security credentials and click Approve in the confirmation pop-up window
A confirmation message is displayed advising that the transaction(s) has been approved
If the transaction requires additional approvals, the status of the transaction will change to Partially Authorised and will remain in this status until all approvals are obtained
If this is the final approval, the status of the transaction will change to Authorised
If there is an error in the approval process, the status of the transaction will change to Authorise Failed
Guarantee & Standby LC's Approvals
If you have access to Guarantee & Standby LC's, add Guarantees & Standby LC's Approvals to your Workspace to view transactions that are Pending Approval and that you have permission to approve or send for repair.
Select All (checkbox)
Tick to select all transactions Pending Approval.
Click Refresh to update the information in the content window.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Repair Instrument
Select a transaction and click Repair
Review the details of the transaction in the Repair Transaction pop-up window:
Enter a Repair Reason for the transaction
RESULT: The Submit button will be enabled.
If required, select recipients from the Send Email Notification list who you would like to notify that the transaction has been sent for repair
Click Submit
RESULT: A confirmation message is displayed advising that the transaction has been requested to be repaired and the transaction status changes to Repair.
To view the repair details or edit the transaction, Open in Transactive Trade / APEA.
Approve Instrument
Select one or more transactions and click Approve
Review the details of the transaction(s) in the Approve Transactions pop-up window:
If the transaction requires a one-time password (OTP), a summary of the selected transaction for approval will be displayed and you will be prompted to enter your security credentials for OTP:
If the transaction requires a signature, a summary of the selected transaction for approval will be displayed and you will be prompted to enter your security credentials for signature:
Click Approve
If the transaction does not require an Authorisation Code, click Approve in the confirmation pop-up window
If the transaction requires two-factor authentication, follow the instructions provided, enter your security credentials and click Approve in the confirmation pop-up window
A confirmation message is displayed advising that the transaction(s) has been approved
If the transaction requires additional approvals, the status of the transaction will change to Partially Authorised and will remain in this status until all approvals are obtained
If this is the final approval, the status of the transaction will change to Authorised
If there is an error in the approval process, the status of the transaction will change to Authorise Failed
Asia & Pacific Payments
Payment Approvals - Asia & Pacific
If you have access to Asia & Pacific Payments, add Payment Approvals - Asia & Pacific to your Workspace to view Asia & Pacific Payments that are Pending Approval and that you have permission to approve or send for repair.
Select All (checkbox)
Tick to select all payments Pending Approval.
Click Refresh to update the information in the content window.
Click Remove to remove the content from your Workspace.
Repair Payment
Select a payment and click Repair
Review the details of the payment in the Repair Transaction pop-up window:
Enter a Repair Reason for the payment
RESULT: The Submit button will be enabled.
If required, select recipients from the Send Email Notification list who you would like to notify that the payment has been sent for repair
Click Submit
RESULT: A confirmation message is displayed advising that the payment has been requested to be repaired and the payment status changes to Repair.
To view the repair details or edit the payment, Open in Transactive Trade / APEA.
Approve Payment
Select one or more payments and click Approve
Review the details of the payment(s) in the Approve Transactions pop-up window:
If the payment(s) requires a one-time password (OTP), a summary of the selected payment(s) for approval will be displayed and you will be prompted to enter your security credentials for OTP:
If the payment(s) requires a signature, a summary of the selected payment(s) for approval will be displayed and you will be prompted to enter your security credentials for signature:
Click Approve
If the payment(s) requires two-factor authentication, follow the instructions provided, enter your security credentials and click Approve in the confirmation pop-up window
A confirmation message is displayed advising that the payment(s) has been approved
If the payment(s) requires additional approvals, the status of the payment(s) will change to Partially Authorised and will remain in this status until all approvals are obtained
If this is the final approval, the status of the payment will change to Closed
If there is an error in the approval process, the status of the payment will change to Authorise Failed
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