Full details are available in Features by Geography.
About Payment File Import Summary screen
The File Import Summary screen provides a list of recently imported files with a summary including the file type and name, total number of transactions in the file and the number of valid transactions, those that need repair or have rejected.
Click on a row to view the Payment File Summary screen.
Control Bar
Upload File | Select Upload Payments File or Upload Beneficiaries. |
Actions | Use the Actions menu to download a bank library file. |
Group | Group data on the screen by predefined criteria. |
Filter | Filter data on the screen. Enter criteria into one or more text boxes that are under each column heading to display matching records. |
Export | Export the records on screen into a CSV file. |
Refresh | Refresh the records on screen. |
Settings | Use Settings to save the View and Group selected. |
- To sort columns, click the column heading to reorder in ascending or descending order.
- To customise the column order, click the column then drag and drop to your preferred order
- To hide columns, right-click the column heading and untick the checkboxes next to the column name
- To reset columns, right-click any column heading, scroll down and click Reset Grid Columns
The application will remember these changes.
File ID | The system generated File ID. |
File Name | The name of the file. |
File Type | Payment or Beneficiary file. |
No. of Transactions in File | The total number of transactions in the file. |
Valid Transactions | The number of valid transactions in the file. |
Transactions Needing Repair | The number of transactions in the file that need repair after the file import. |
Rejected Transactions | The number of transactions in the file that have been rejected, and therefore not uploaded. |
Control Amount | Files uploaded via Transactive - Global will display '0' Files uploads via Host to Host, will display the total value of all amounts in the file, across all payments and without decimal points, including Needs Repair and Rejected. |
Division | The Division under which the file was uploaded to. |
Input Method | File Upload or Host to Host |
Uploaded on | The date and time the file was uploaded. |
Uploaded by | The User ID of the person who uploaded the file. |
Status | The status of the file import:
Next Steps
View details of Payment File Summary | To view the details of a payment file, select an import file from the grid. The summary also includes the File Format, Salary Payment indicator, Beneficiary Changes Disabled indicator, No. of Batches Created, and if required, the Reason for Rejection. |
View Rejected Transactions or Beneficiaries | To view the rejection reasons within the payment or beneficiary file, select an import file from the grid. Refer to the Rejected Transactions or Rejected Beneficiaries section for the Reason for Rejection.
These line items have not been uploaded. Please correct the errors and re-upload a file, or manually input the details in the Payment or Beneficiaries screen. For more information on Beneficiary Uploads, please refer to Upload Beneficiaries Rejected Transactions
Below are same potential reasons for rejected beneficiaries within a payment file:
View transactions Needing Repair | To view the transactions in a payment file needing repair, select an import file from the grid. Click View Current Payments on the Control Bar to view the details of the payment from the Current Payments screen indicated by a Payment Alert icon.
The Errors and Alerts section displays the error message. The Beneficiary Details section indicates the impacted beneficiary(ies) with an alert icon. Click Edit from the Control Bar to edit the payment. |