The Cash Management Service Requests screen provides you with a list of all your current and past service requests that have been submitted for processing as well as those that have been completed.
- Click on a row to view the Service Requests Detail screen
- Click on Arrow < > to navigate to next or previous page (maximum 10 records per page)
- View Service Requests Statuses here
Control Bar
View | Change the View to My Requests, Requests Awaiting Approval, Requests Requiring Action, Pending, Successful, Unsuccessful or you can select and manage saved searches. |
New | Click New to create a service requests. |
Search | Click Search to display or hide the Advanced Search search criteria fields. |
Filter | Filter data on the screen. Enter criteria into one or more text boxes that are under each column heading to display matching records. |
Refresh | Refresh the records on screen. |
Settings | Use Settings to save the selected View as your default view that will be applied upon your next log in. |
Service Requests Advanced Search
Enter criteria from the available options to complete any type of search. Each search field has different criteria that can be entered or selected from an existing list. Searches on fields that are left blank, will return all available data for that field.
- Request values (such as Request ID): Choose from Equal To
- Account values: Choose from Like, Equal To, Not Equal To
- Date values: Choose from Specific Date, Date Range, Rolling Dates
- List values (such as Created By): Choose from Equal To, Not Equal To
To complete a search, follow the steps below.
1 | Refine the search further by including the following into the search criteria:
2 | Click Search
RESULT: A list of matching service requests are displayed. Click on a service request to view the Service Requests Details screen.
Click Reset to clear the search criteria and results.
Click Save to save the search criteria. After you have named your search, the search will be available from the View menu. |
- To sort columns, click the column heading. The column will reorder in ascending order. Click again to order in descending order.
- To customise the column order, click the column you want to move and then drag and drop the column to your preferred order
- To hide columns, right-click any column heading and untick the checkboxes that appear next to the column name in the pop-up
- To reset columns, right-click any column heading, scroll down and click Reset Grid Columns
The application will remember these changes.
Request ID | System generated Request ID. |
Account Number | Account number selected for the service request. |
Account Name | Account name linked to the account number used to create the service request. |
Legal Entity | Legal Entity that the account belongs to. |
Creation Date | The date the service request was created. |
Created By | The User ID of the person who created the service request. |
Last Action Date | The date on which the last action was performed on the service request. |
Completed Date | The date on which the service request was completed. |
Request Status | The status of the service request. |
Request Type | The type of service request. |
1st Approval | The User ID of the person who approved the service request. |
2nd Approval | The User ID of the person who approved the service request. |
Your Reference | The reference entered by the user who created the service request. |
Due By | The date the service request is due for completion. |
Service Requests Details
To view service request details from the Cash Management Service Requests screen, select a service request from the list. Details of the service request are displayed including any errors or alerts associated with the request and any further information required in the comments and supporting documents section.
Use the Control Bar to complete the following tasks:
- Click on View Audit History to view the service request audit history
- Click Close to return to the Cash Management Service Requests list
- Click Previous Record to view the details of the previous service requests from the list
- Click Next Record to view the details of the next service requests from the list