Geography: This article is applicable for ANZ Transactive - Global customers banking in Australia and New Zealand and Singapore.
Full details are available in Features by Geography.
Full details are available in Features by Geography.
Receivables in ANZ Transactive - Global provides you with the ability to create, view and manage direct debits and PayIDs for your organisation. Eligible Singapore customers can also view and manage PayNow account Aliases.
The menu options you can see are based on your entitlements. For example, if you do not have any entitlements to Templates, then you will not see the Templates Menu.
Create Direct Debit | This screen provides the methods you can use to create a direct debit. To create a direct debit from the beginning, select Create Direct Debit.
Alternatively, you can choose to create a direct debit using one of the following methods: |
Current Direct Debits | This screen provides you with a list of all your current direct debits that have not yet been sent for processing as well as those that have been processed within the last 30 calendar days. |
Past Direct Debits | This screen allows you to perform a search for direct debits that have been processed in the last 24 months and are in a Completed, Completed with Error or Bank Rejected status. |
Payer List | This screen allows you to set up and manage a list of payers that you commonly make direct debits to, so that the payer details can be used for future direct debits. |
Templates | This screen allows you to view, create and maintain direct debit templates. |
Periodic Direct Debits | This screen allows you to establish a schedule to manage recurring direct debits.
Please note that this functionality will be available from 21 June 2022.
File Import Summary | This screen provides you with summary information of files that have been uploaded. |
PayID Management | This screen allows you to create and manage PayIDs by linking an eligible account to a PayID identifier such as a phone number or email address. |
Alias Management | This screen allows eligible Singapore customers to create and manage PayNow account Aliases. |