As part of ANZ’s efforts to enhance your digital banking experience, we will be providing you with consistent outward payment narratives. This information will be available when viewing and downloading transaction details in ANZ Transactive - Global.
What are the changes?
- Changes to Charge posting narratives for Transactions in scope.
- Bulk transactions narratives include Batch Payment ID and Customer Batch Reference for reconciliation against account statement.
- Increased narratives lengths.
The charge narratives only impact the payment types for:
- Singapore: ACH, FAST, MEPS, Payroll, Telegraphic Transfer
- Hong Kong: CHATS, FPS, FPS Payroll, Telegraphic Transfer
All other fee entries, e.g., fees related to trade transactions, loans, liquidity management, markets, etc., remain unchanged.
When will the change occur?
The narrative changes will be provided to you in a phased approach from November 2024 to May 2025.
What do you need to do to receive the revised narratives?
The revised narratives will automatically be applied to relevant jurisdictions outward payments in ANZ Fileactive and ANZ Transactive – Global on the timeframes above. If you import this information into an external Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system or accounting software with specific information in the narrative field, then changes may need to be made in those systems to accept the revised data. You can access the revised narratives in your Account statements or enabled via Fileactive or SWIFT.
The following outward charge narratives apply to Hong Kong and Singapore.
Itemised | CHG+DATAENTRY+Payment Code+ANZ Unique ref+Client Reference
Max Length: 3+10+10+9+20 = 56 |
CHG+DATAENTRY+Payment Code+ANZ Payment ID+Client Reference
Max Length: 3+9+25+15+35 = 91 |
Bulk | CHG+DATAENTRY+Payment Code
Max Length: 3+10+10 = 25 |
CHG+DATAENTRY+Payment Code+ANZ BATCH PAYMENT ID+Customer Batch reference
Max Length: 3+9+25+15+35 = 91 |
The following inward charge narratives apply to Hong Kong.
What are the changes?
- Inward Telegraphic Transfers and CHATS fees will move from immediate to weekly billing, meaning fees will be collected on a weekly cycle and not immediately when credits are received into your account. Please note that this is a temporary change and billing will be further updated during 2025.
- New narrative formats:
- CHG+TT+ANZ Reference Number
- Max length: 3+2+16 = 23
- CHG+CHATS+ANZ Reference Number
- Max length 3+5+16 = 26
- Inward Telegraphic Transfers:
- Inward CHATS:
- Credit advice notifications will not show fees applied to inward Telegraphic Transfers and CHATS payments.
Please contact your ANZ representative or your local Customer Service Centre for more information.