Geography: This article is applicable for ANZ Transactive - Global customers banking in all ANZ geographies.
Full details are available in Features by Geography.
Full details are available in Features by Geography.
As a transaction moves through the workflow, it goes through a number of different statuses as a result of the actions performed. The following tables detail all statuses in the Guarantees & Standby LC's menus.
Pending Approval Statuses
The following table details each Pending Approval status.
Ready to Check | The transaction is awaiting checker authorisation. Once the checker has sent the transaction for authorisation, it will move to Ready to Authorise status. |
Ready to Authorise | The transaction has been created, verified and is ready for approval. Once approved, it will move to an Authorised or Partially Authorised status. |
Partially Authorised | The transaction requires multiple approvals and it has already been approved by at least one approver. It will remain in this status until the final approver has authorised the transaction. Once complete, it will move to an Authorised status. |
Repair | The transaction has a potential error and has been sent for Repair by a company user. |
Returned by Bank | The transaction has been returned by the bank and needs to be corrected and re-authorised before it can be processed by the bank. |
Authorised Failed | The transaction has failed the approval process and requires further action. |
Current Instrument Statuses
The following table details each Current Instrument status.
Pending | An initial transaction for the instrument has been created but has not been processed by the bank. Once processed, it will move to an Active status. |
Active | An initial transaction for the instrument has been created and processed by the bank. |
Expired | The instrument has expired. |
Past Instrument Statuses
The following table details each Past Instrument status.
Cancelled | The instrument has been cancelled. |
Closed | The instrument has been closed. |
Deactivated | The instrument has been deactivated. Instruments in this status can be reactivated. |
Paid | The instrument has been paid or liquidated. |