Full details are available in Features by Geography.
About Payment Templates screen
The Templates screen allows you to create and manage a list of your stored payment templates. The Templates grid provides information including template name, payment type, amount (if any), debit account details and number of beneficiaries in the template. Use the predefined template to create frequently used payments instructions.
If your organisation needs to approve templates, each template must be approved by a user with appropriate permissions before it can be used to create a payment.
For more information, please refer to Role Permissions and User Permissions.
- Right-click on a row to display the Context Menu where you can View, Edit, Submit, Approve, Reject, Recall, Copy, Delete, Create Payment or to move the template to a folder you have created
- Click on a row to view the Template Details screen
Template Statuses
Draft | The template has been created and is in a Draft status. |
Pending Approval | The template has been created and is awaiting approval. |
Approver Rejected | The template has been rejected by an Approver. It will need to be edited if necessary and resubmitted for approval. |
Needs Repair | Indicates that there is an error with the template which needs repair before it can be approved. |
Approved | The template has been approved and is ready for use. |
Deleted | The template has been deleted. |
Control Bar
View | Change the View to display templates Pending Approval, Approved or requiring action or those that are in one of your folders |
New | Click New to create a template. |
Approve | Approve a template in a Pending Approval status. |
Reject | Reject a template in a Pending Approval status. |
Actions | Use the Actions menu manage templates. Choose from View, Edit, Submit, Approve, Reject, Recall, Copy, Delete, Create Payment or Move to Folder |
Group | Group data on the screen by predefined criteria. |
Filter | Filter data on the screen. Enter criteria into one or more text boxes that are under each column heading to display matching records. |
Export | Export the records on screen into a CSV file. |
Refresh | Refresh the records on screen. |
Settings | Use Settings to save the View and Group selected. |
- To sort columns, click the column heading to reorder in ascending or descending order.
- To customise the column order, click the column then drag and drop to your preferred order
- To hide columns, right-click the column heading and untick the checkboxes next to the column name
- To reset columns, right-click any column heading, scroll down and click Reset Grid Columns
The application will remember these changes
Template ID | The template has been created and is in a Draft status. |
Template Name | The name of the template. |
Template Description | The description of the template. |
Debit Account | The account number that will be used to fund the payment. |
Debit Account Name | The account name that will be used to fund the payment. |
Debit Amount | The amount that will be debited to fund the payment. |
Debit CCY | The currency that the funds will be debited in. |
Payment Amount | The total amount that is being paid to all payment instructions in the template. |
Payment CCY | The currency that the funds will be credited in. |
Payment Type | The Payment Type: Account Transfer, Domestic Payment, International Payment, Pay Bill or Multibank. |
Status | The status of the template. |
No. of Items | The number of payment instructions in the template. |
Division Name | The name of division under which the template was created. |
Creation Date | The date and time the template was created. |
Template Details
To view payment template details from the Templates screen, select a template from the list. Details of the template are displayed including any errors or alerts associated with the template.
Template Details Control Bar
The control bar items displayed are determined by the status of the template and your user permissions.
Reports | View the Template Audit History pop-up window or generate the following Reports for the template: Template Audit Report, Template Detail Report or Template Summary Report. |
Edit | Edit a template that is in a Draft, Needs Repair, Approver Rejected or Approved status. |
Submit | Submit a template for approval. |
Approve | Approve a new template or approve modifications made to a template. |
Reject | Reject a new template or reject modifications made to a template. |
Recall | Recall a template that has been submitted for approval and is in a Pending Approval status. This will change the status of the template to Draft in order to enable editing. |
Copy | Copy the details of a template into a new template. |
Delete | Delete a template in a Draft, Needs Repair, Approver Rejected or Approved status. |
Create Payment | Create Payment from a template. |
Template Audit History | View the Payment Template Audit History pop-up window. |
Close | Close the Templates Details screen and return to the Templates screen. |