Full details are available in Features by Geography.
About Current Payments screen
The Current Payments screen provides you with a list of your current payments that are yet to be sent for processing as well as those that have been processed within the last 30 calendar days. From the Current Payments grid, you can view the payment details including Beneficiary information, currency and amount, FX rates, payment cut-off times and payment types.
These payments can be in one of the following statuses: Approver Rejected, Bank Rejected, Completed, Deleted, Draft, Needs Rate, Needs Repair, Pending Approval, Processing, Rejected, etc.,
For more information, please refer to Payment Statuses.
You can view and action payments from this screen using the following methods:
- Right-click on a row to display the Context Menu where you can Edit, Approve, Reject, Recall, Resubmit, Stop, Get Rate, Copy, Create Template From, Delete or generate a Payment Summary Report, Payment Detail Report or Payment Audit Report
- Click on a row to view the Payment Details screen
Control Bar
View | Change the View to My Payments, Payments For My Action, Payments For My Approval, Needs Rate, Payments For Repair, Approved Payments, Rejected Payments or Future Dated Payments. |
Reports | Click Reports to request a Payment Summary Report, Payment Detail Report or Payment Audit Report for one or more selected payments. |
New | Click New to create a payment. |
Approve | Approve a payment in a Pending Approval status. |
Reject | Reject a payment in a Pending Approval status. |
Actions | Use the Actions menu to perform an action on one or more selected payments: Edit, Approve, Reject, Recall, Resubmit, Stop, Get Rate, Copy, Create Template From or Delete |
Group | Group data on the screen by predefined criteria. |
Filter | Filter data on the screen. Enter criteria into one or more text boxes that are under each column heading to display matching records. |
Export | Export the records on screen into a CSV file. |
Refresh | Refresh the records on screen. |
Settings | Use Settings to save the View and Group selected. |
For information on how to customise grids, click here.
Payment Alerts | If a payment has an alert, you can click on the warning indicator to view the details. An alert will be issued to advise you of the following:
Payment Alerts currently do not apply to payments initiated via ANZ Fileactive Host-to-Host non-STP (straight through processing).
Payment Name | The payment name entered when creating the payment. For account transfers, the Account Short Name is displayed. For other payments, the Payment Name is displayed.
Payment ID | The system generated Payment ID. |
Debit Amount | The amount that is being debited to fund the payment. |
Debit Currency | The currency that the funds will be debited in. |
Debit Account | The account number used to fund the payment. |
Value Date | The date on which the payment will be processed. |
Template Name | If a template has been used to create the payment, the name of the template. |
Payment Type | The Payment Type: Account Transfer, Domestic Payment, International Payment, Pay Bill or Multibank. |
Status | The status of the payment. |
Debit Account Name | The account name used to fund the payment. |
Payment Amount | The amount that is being paid. |
Payment Currency | The currency that the funds will be credited in. |
Beneficiary | If a batch only contains a single item, the Beneficiary Name will be displayed. If a batch contains multiple items, ‘Batch of n items” will be displayed. |
Beneficiary Account | If a batch only contains a single item, the Beneficiary Account will be displayed. If a batch contains multiple items, ‘Batch of n items” will be displayed. |
Beneficiary Bank Name | The beneficiary’s Bank Name. If there are multiple beneficiaries in the payment, this field will be blank. |
FX Rate | The FX Rate used for cross currency payments. If Individual Debits was selected when creating the payment, Multiple will be displayed. |
Created By | The User ID of the person who created the payment. |
Creation Date | The date and time the payment was created. |
Last Modified By | The User ID of the person who last modified the payment. |
Last Approver | The User ID of the person who last approved the payment. |
Last Modified Date | The date and time the payment was last modified. |
Last Action Time | The date and time the last action was performed on the payment. |
No. of Items | The number of payment instructions (beneficiaries) in the payment. |
Cut-off Time | The payment cut-off time based on the following attributes; Country payment originated, Payment Type and Payment Currency. The time is displayed in the Time Zone you have set up in the Settings & Preferences menu. |
File Name | If the payment was created using a payment file, the name of the file. |
File ID | If the payment was created using a payment file, the system generated File ID. |
FX Contract ID | The FX Contract ID used to fund the payment. If multiple FX Contracts were used, Multiple will be displayed. If a carded rate was used, Carded will be displayed. |
Division Name | The name of division under which the payment was made. |
Salary | A flag (Yes or No) to indicate if the payment is a Salary payment. |
Payment Details
To view payment details from the Current Payment screen, select a payment from the list. Details of the payment are displayed including any errors or alerts associated with the payment.
Payment Details Control Bar
The control bar items displayed are determined by the status of the payment and your user permissions.
Reports | Request the following reports:
Edit | Edit a payment that is in a Draft, Needs Repair or Approver Rejected status. |
Submit | Submit a payment that is in a Draft, Approver Rejected or Needs Repair status for approval. |
Approve | Approve a payment that is in a Pending Approval status. |
Reject | Reject a payment that is in a Pending Approval status. |
Recall |
Recall a payment that has been submitted for approval and is in a Pending Approval status. This will change the status of the payment to Draft in order to enable editing. Any approvals for the payment will be removed after it has been recalled.
Resubmit | Resubmit a payment that has failed due to insufficient funds and is in an Insufficient Funds status. The payment will not require additional approval but needs to be resubmitted prior to the cut-off time on the same value date. |
Stop | Stop a payment that is in a Future Dated status. |
Copy | Copy a payment that is in a Bank Rejected, Completed, Completed with Error, Future Dated or Processing status. |
Delete | Delete a payment in a Draft, Pending Approval, Needs Repair or Approver Rejected status. |
Create Template From | Enter a Template Name and Template Description into the pop-up window to create a template from the payment. |
Payment Audit History | View the Payment Audit History pop-up window. |
Close | Close the Payment Details screen and return to the Current Payments screen. |