Geography: This article is applicable for ANZ Transactive - Global customers banking in Pacific Islands, Laos, Taiwan and Indonesia. Full details are available in Features by Geography.
As payments progress through the workflow, it transitions through various statuses based on the actions taken. The table below outlines each of these payment statuses in detail.
Approve Payment Statuses
The following table details each Approve Payment status.
Ready to Check | The payment is awaiting checker approval. Once the checker has sent the payment for approval, it will move to Pending Approval status. |
Pending Approval | The payment has been created, verified and is ready for approval. Once approved, it will move to either: Closed, Partially Approved or Approval Failed status. |
Partially Approved | The payment requires multiple approvals, and it has already been approved by at least one approver. It will remain in this status until the final approver has approved the payment. Once complete, it will move to either Closed or Approval Failed status. |
Needs Repair | The payment has a potential error and has been sent for Repair by a user in your organisation. |
Returned by Bank | The payment has been returned by the bank and needs to be corrected and re-approved before it can be processed by the bank. |
Approval Failed | The payment has failed the approval process and requires further action. |
Verified Pending FX | The uploaded payment is awaiting FX validation.
View Payment instructions, add or validate FX rate and submit payment. |
FX Threshold Exceeded | The Foreign Exchange threshold limit has been exceeded. |
Current Payments Statuses
The following table details the Current Payments status.
Approved | The payment has been approved but has not been processed by the bank. Once processed, it will move to either Closed, Cancelled, or Completed with Errors status. |
Draft | The payment has been created and saved but not yet submitted for approval. |
Future Dated | The payment has been approved and is being held for processing on the value date. |
Past Payments Statuses
The following table details each Past Payments status.
Cancelled | The payment has been cancelled. |
Closed | The payment has been successfully processed by the bank and closed. |
File Upload Rejected | The uploaded payment file has been rejected. |
Partially Rejected Payment | The payment has been partially rejected. |
Rejected Payment - Completed with Errors | Some payments in a batch have been rejected by the bank. |
Payment File Upload Statuses
The following table details each Payment File Upload validation status.
File Confirmed | Verified Pending FX | File successfully uploaded. Payment pending FX validation. |
File Confirmed | Pending Approval | File successfully uploaded with errors. Payment has been Confirmed by user, pending approval. |
File Confirmed | Ready to Check | File successfully uploaded with errors. Payment has been Confirmed by user, pending checker validation. |
File Rejected | File Upload Rejected | File successfully uploaded with errors. Payment has been Rejected by user. |
File Repaired | Pending Approval | Payment reported codes entered and submitted. |
Validated Awaiting Repair | Reporting Codes Required | File successfully uploaded with errors, pending reporting codes. |
Validated with Errors | Verified Awaiting Approval | File successfully uploaded. Payment has been created with some unsuccessful beneficiary parties. |
Validation Failed | File Upload Rejected | File unsuccessfully uploaded. Payment instruction has not been created. |
Validation Successful | Pending Approval | File successfully uploaded. Payment pending approval. |
Validation Successful | Ready to Check | File successfully uploaded. Payment pending checker validation. |
Validation Successful | Verified | File successfully uploaded. Payment edited by user and submitted. |
Validation Successful | Verified Pending FX | File successfully uploaded. Payment pending FX validation. |