Geography: This article is applicable for ANZ Transactive - Global customers banking in Pacific Islands and Laos. Full details are available in Features by Geography.
The Asia & Pacific Payments Approve Payments screen provides you with a list of all your payments that are pending checks, repair, additional edits or approval and are yet to be sent to ANZ for processing.
- Right-click on a row to display the Context Menu to Edit, Send for Authorisation, Approve, Repair, Delete, Copy or Open a payment in Transactive Trade / APEA.
- Click on a row to view the Payment details screen.
- View Payments Statuses
Control Bar
View | Click View to display payments pending authorisation or action:
New | Click New to create a payment. |
Approve |
Approve the selected payment(s).
The button will only be enabled if the payment is in a Pending Approval or Partially Approved status, and you have Approve entitlements.
Repair | Send the selected payment for Repair.
The button will only be enabled if the payment is in a Pending Approval, Partially Approved, Ready to Check or Approval Failed status, and you have Repair entitlements.
Actions | Use the Actions menu to perform an action on one or more selected payments: Edit, Send for Authorisation, Approve, Repair, Delete, Copy or Open the selected payment in Transactive Trade / APEA in a new tab. |
Group | Group data on the screen by predefined criteria. |
Filter | Filter data on the screen. Enter criteria into one or more textboxes that are under each column heading to display matching records. |
Export | Export the records on the screen into a CSV file. |
Refresh | Refresh the records on the screen. |
Settings | Use Settings to:
For information on how to customise grids, click here.
Creation Date | The date the payment was created. |
Payment ID | The system generated Payment ID. |
Payment CCY | The currency that the funds will be credited in. |
Payment Amount | The amount that is being paid. |
Transaction Status | The current status of the payment. |
Debit Account | The account number used to fund the payment. |
Execution Date | The date on which the payment will be processed. |
Payment Type | The Payment Type: Account Transfer, Domestic Payment, International Payment, Cheque Payment. |
Payment Method | The Payment Method: RTGS, ACH, Cross Border FT, Book Transfer, etc. |
Debit CCY | The currency that the funds will be debited in. |
Debit Amount | The amount that is being debited to fund the payment. |
FX Rate | The FX Rate used for cross-currency payments. If Individual Debits was selected when creating the payment, 'Multiple' will be displayed. |
Beneficiary Name | For a single payment, the Beneficiary Name will be displayed. For a batch payment, ‘Multiple Beneficiaries' will be displayed. |
Ordering Party | The name of the debit party. |
Your Reference | For a single payment, your payment reference will be displayed. For a batch payment, ‘Multiple References' will be displayed. |
Division Name | The name of the division under which the payment was made. |
Beneficiary Count | The number of beneficiaries in the payment. For Transfer Between Accounts, the count will be '0'. |
Authorised by Me | Indicates if you have already authorised the payment - either Yes or No. |