Geography: This article is applicable for ANZ Transactive - Global customers banking in Pacific Islands, Laos, Taiwan and Indonesia. Full details are available in Features by Geography.
About Approve Payments screen
The Asia & Pacific Payments Approve Payments screen provides you with a list of all your payments that are pending checks, repair, additional edits or approval and are yet to be sent to ANZ for processing.
You can view the payment details including Beneficiary information, currency and amount, FX rates and payment types.
You can view and action payments from this screen using the following methods:
- Right-click on a row to display the Context Menu to Edit, Send for Authorisation, Approve, Repair, Delete, Copy, Create Template or Open a payment in Transactive Trade / APEA.
- Click on a row to view the Payment details screen.
- View Payments Statuses
Control Bar
View | Click View to display payments pending authorisation or action:
New | Click New to create a payment. |
Approve | Approve the selected payment(s).
The button will only be enabled if the payment is in a Pending Approval or Partially Approved status, and you have Approve entitlements.
Repair | Send the selected payment for Repair.
The button will only be enabled if the payment is in a Pending Approval, Partially Approved, Ready to Check or Approval Failed status, and you have Repair entitlements.
Actions | Use the Actions menu to perform an action on one or more selected payments: Edit, Send for Authorisation, Approve, Repair, Delete, Copy, Create Template or Open the selected payment in Transactive Trade / APEA in a new tab. |
Group | Group data on the screen by predefined criteria. |
Filter | Filter data on the screen. Enter criteria into one or more textboxes that are under each column heading to display matching records. |
Export | Export the records on the screen into a CSV file. |
Refresh | Refresh the records on the screen. |
Settings | Use Settings to:
For information, please refer to Customise Grids.
Creation Date | The date the payment was created. |
Payment ID | The system generated Payment ID. |
Payment CCY | The currency that the funds will be credited in. |
Payment Amount | The amount that is being paid. |
Transaction Status | The current status of the payment. |
Debit Account | The account number used to fund the payment. |
Execution Date | The date on which the payment will be processed. |
Payment Type | The Payment Type: Account Transfer, Domestic Payment, International Payment, Cheque Payment. |
Payment Method | The Payment Method: RTGS, ACH, Cross Border FT, Book Transfer, etc. |
Debit CCY | The currency that the funds will be debited in. |
Debit Amount | The amount that is being debited to fund the payment. |
FX Rate | The FX Rate used for cross-currency payments. If Individual Debits was selected when creating the payment, 'Multiple' will be displayed. |
Beneficiary Name | For a single payment, the Beneficiary Name will be displayed. For a batch payment, ‘Multiple Beneficiaries' will be displayed. |
Ordering Party | The name of the debit party. |
Your Reference | For a single payment, your payment reference will be displayed. For a batch payment, ‘Multiple References' will be displayed. |
Division Name | The name of the division under which the payment was made. |
Beneficiary Count | The number of beneficiaries in the payment. For Transfer Between Accounts, the count will be '0'. |
Authorised by Me | Indicates if you have already authorised the payment - either Yes or No. |