This article details how you will use payments in ANZ Transactive – Global when you are upgraded from ANZ Transactive Cash Asia and changes you need to know about. The delivery of features will be provided in a phased approach, and the content will be updated from time to time to reflect the most up-to-date and relevant information.
Beneficiaries in ANZ Transactive – Global will be approved from the Payments > Beneficiaries screen:
- ANZ Transactive – Global does not have the ability to enable/disable beneficiaries. If you no longer need a beneficiary, it can be deleted.
- Select Export from the Beneficiary screen Control Bar to download a list of beneficiaries in a CSV file.
As a beneficiary moves through the workflow in ANZ Transactive – Global, it goes through a number of different statuses as a result of the actions performed on it. The following table details each beneficiary status and what actions can be performed on a beneficiary in each status.
Pending Approval | The beneficiary has been created and is awaiting approval. Once approved, it will move to an Approved status. |
Creation Rejected | The creation of a beneficiary has been rejected by an Approver. It will need to be edited if necessary and resubmitted for approval. |
Modification Pending Approval | The beneficiary details have been modified and are awaiting approval by an Approver. |
Modification Rejected | The modifications made to a beneficiary, or the deletion of a beneficiary has been rejected. |
Deletion Pending Approval | The beneficiary has been deleted from the Beneficiary screen and is awaiting approval by an Approver. |
Approved | The beneficiary is ready for use. |
Needs Repair | The beneficiary has one or more errors that need to be resolved. |
Deleted | The beneficiary has been deleted from the Beneficiary screen and is awaiting approval by an Approver. |
In ANZ Transactive Cash Asia you click Copy Record to copy existing instrument level details to a new record and modify all fields.
In ANZ Transactive – Global you will use the Copy action to achieve this, however the following fields cannot be edited:
- Division
- Debit Account
- Payment Method
Customers in India, Philippines and Vietnam can select Bank Book while creating an FX payment. Use Bank Book when:
- you do not have an existing FX contract to readily use or,
- the value of the payment is less than or equal to the equivalent of $500K USD.
Upon submission of the payment, the bank will book a foreign exchange rate for the cross-currency payment. For future dated payments, the payment will appear in your Current Payments grid until the value of the payment. The status will update to Processing, pending the bank to book a foreign exchange rate.
There is no option to charge a cross-currency payment to a beneficiary. Charge to Our, Shared:
- OUR: you pay all transfer charges, and the beneficiary receives the full amount of the payment
- SHA: you pay outgoing transfer charges, and the beneficiary pays the correspondent bank charges
- Dynamic rate not available for IDR, MYR currencies.
- Use an FX contract to make to payment in IDR currency.
- Dynamic rate not available for IDR, KRW, LKR, MYR, PGK, SAR, TWD currencies.
- Use an FX contract to make to payment in IDR, MYR currencies.
Dynamic Rates will replace carded rates, and this will allow you to obtain real-time foreign exchange rates for cross-currency payments less than or equal to US$500k*. When you are creating a cross-currency payment, you will have the option of selecting Dynamic or a Contract to fund the payment:
If using a Dynamic rate, after a payment is fully approved it will move into a Needs Rate status and a user with appropriate entitlements will then Get Rate to lock in the dynamic rate displayed on screen:
Get Rate video
* Functionality will be available to customers in Hong Kong and Singapore.
ANZ Transactive – Global considers a batch payment a potential duplicate if there is an existing batch payment that meets all of the following conditions at BOTH batch level and the first payment within the batch:
Batch conditions:
- Has a Batch Status other than Draft, Deleted, Approver Rejected, Bank Rejected or Needs Repair
- Requested Value Date is either in the past 6 business days, current date or next 6 business days
- Part of the same customer Division
- Has the same batch level details:
- Debit Account Number
- Payment Name
- Number of Items
- Batch Total Instructed Amount
- Batch Payment Currency
Payment level conditions (first item in the batch):
- Beneficiary Account Number
- Beneficiary Payment Amount
- Beneficiary Payment Currency
- Lodgement Reference
Cheque processing will not be available in ANZ Transactive – Global and will remain in ANZ Transactive Cash Asia until May 2026.
- In ANZ Transactive Cash Asia, a user can be assigned Panel A for one Division (legal entity) and Panel B for another Division (legal entity). In ANZ Transactive – Global, a user can only be assigned to one panel Authorisation group, e.g. Panel Group A, across the entire site, including all divisions.
- In ANZ Transactive Cash Asia, you can set a panel authorisation limit in different currencies per account. In ANZ Transactive – Global, panel authorisation limits are for one currency, and this applies to all accounts.
- ANZ Transactive – Global supports batch level payment authorisation only, not instrument level.
- Needs Rate functionality will be available to customers in Hong Kong and Singapore.
In ANZ Transactive – Global, the digital signing of a payment is actioned by the final approver. Depending on how many approvals are required and if a payment needs a dynamic exchange rate, a payment will move through the following statuses as it is approved:
A payment requiring one approval:
- Pending Approval* > Processing
- Pending Approval* > Needs Rate^ > Processing
A payment requiring two approvals:
- Pending Approval > Pending Approval* > Processing
- Pending Approval > Pending Approval* > Needs Rate^ > Processing
*The user who completes this step will need to digitally sign the payment with a security device. The payment is released when it receives final approval or when a dynamic exchange rate is accepted.
^The user who completes this step needs to be logged into ANZ Transactive – Global with a security device.
- In ANZ Transactive Cash Asia, users can be assigned an Authorizer Daily Limit that applies to the accumulated payment value for all payment types for the day. In ANZ Transactive – Global, users are assigned a Daily Approval Discretion limit for each payment product, e.g. a user can have a SGD100,000,00 daily limit for SG Domestic (MEPS) and SGD50,000,00 daily limit for SG Domestic (ACH).
- In ANZ Transactive – Global, your sites base currency is used when populating User Approval Discretions. Where the base currency in ANZ Transactive – Global is different to the base currency in ANZ Transactive Cash Asia, a user's approval threshold will be updated to reflect the different currency.
To create a payment in ANZ Transactive – Global, you will either:
- Go to the Create Payment screen and select one of the available options:
- Upload a payment file
- Use a payment template
- Use a past payment
- Click on a Payment Type:
- Go to the File Import Summary screen and click Upload File from the Control Bar:
- OTL Pipe Delimited Payment File
- OTL Fixed Length Delimited Payment File
The following payment file formats will be available in ANZ Transactive – Global:
- Fixed Length Payment File (Asia Fixed Length file in ANZ Transactive – Global)
- Pipe Delimited Payment File (Asia Pipe Delimited file in ANZ Transactive – Global)
ANZ Transactive – Global does not require a unique filename for each payment file upload. Please use any file name and length when uploading in ANZ Transactive – Global.
ANZ Transactive – Global will support the following file encoding sets:
- UTF-8 (default)
When a payment file is uploaded in ANZ Transactive – Global, the status of the file import will be:
- Completed - File upload is successful
- Processing - File upload is in progress (interim status)
- Rejected - File upload is unsuccessful
The system will also validate each transaction in the file:
- Successfully validated transactions will be in a Pending Approval status
- Transactions that fail the validations will either be in a Needs Repair or Rejected status
- Needs Repair: payment is a possible duplicate or issues with beneficiaries in the file
- Rejected: File could not be uploaded due to the wrong format etc.
If a payment was successfully created, it will be available to view in the Current Payments screen. The Beneficiary Details section within the payment will indicate if there are any issues with an alert icon:
The following payment screens will be available to you in ANZ Transactive – Global.
Create Payment | The Create Payment screen will provide you with the types of payments and methods you can use to create a payment. |
Current Payments | The Current Payments screen will provide you with a list of all your current payments that have not yet been sent for processing as well as those that have been processed within the last 30 calendar days. |
Past Payments |
Payments processed in ANZ Transactive Cash Asia will not be available to view in ANZ Transactive - Global. ANZ recommends you download payment reports prior to your upgrade to ANZ Transactive - Global.
The Past Payments screen will allow you to perform a search for payments that have been processed in the last 24 months and are in a Completed, Completed with Error or Bank Rejected status. |
Beneficiaries | The Beneficiaries screen, will allow you to set up and manage a list of beneficiaries that you commonly make payments to so that the beneficiary details can be used for future payments. |
Templates | The Templates screen will allow you to view, create and maintain payment templates. |
File Import Summary | The File Import Summary screen will provide you with a summary of imported files, including the total number of transactions in the file and the number of transactions needing repair or that were rejected. |
Draft | The payment has been created and saved but not yet submitted for approval. |
Needs Repair | Indicates that there is an error with the payment which needs to be repaired before it can be approved. |
Pending Approval | The payment has been created and submitted for approval. If the payment requires multiple approvals, it will remain in this status until the final approval has been actioned. Once fully approved, it will move to an Approved status. |
Approved | The payment has been fully approved and will begin processing by ANZ. | |
Approver Rejected | The payment has been rejected by one of the approvers. It will need to be edited if necessary and resubmitted for approval. Alternatively, it can be deleted. |
Deleted | The payment has been deleted. A payment can only be deleted if it is in a Draft, Pending Approval, Approver Rejected or Needs Repair status. Deleted payments will remain visible in the system for 30 days. | |
Needs Rate | The payment is a cross-currency Account Transfer, International Payment or RTGS payment that is fully approved and requires an exchange rate before it can be processed. |
Trade Successful | The request for Needs Rate is successful and the payment will begin processing. | |
Trade Unsuccessful | The request for Needs Rate is unsuccessful. The payment will remain in a Needs Rate status. | |
Processing | The payment has been fully approved and dynamic rates applied (if applicable) and is being processed by ANZ. The status will be updated once ANZ has processed the payment. |
Future Dated | The payment has been approved and is being held for processing on the nominated value date. |
Insufficient Funds | The payment has been submitted for processing and has failed due to insufficient funds in the funding account. The payment can be resent once the funding account has sufficient funds by using the Resubmit action. In this instance, the payment will not require additional approval but needs to be resubmitted prior to the cut-off time on the same value date. If the payment is not resent prior to this time, the status will automatically change to Bank Rejected. |
Completed | The payment has been successfully processed by ANZ. |
Completed with Error | The payment contains one or more instructions that could not be processed by ANZ. |
Bank Rejected | The payment has been rejected by ANZ. |
- Choose Account Transfer to move funds between two ANZ accounts registered to ANZ Transactive – Global within the same division, and same geography as the debit account. You can also transfer funds to your foreign currency account domiciled in the same division, and same geography.
- Alternatively, you can select other payment options such as Domestic Payment or International Payment.
Use the following information to determine what Payment Type and Payment Method to use in ANZ Transactive – Global.
ANZ Transactive Cash Asia: Payment Product | ANZ Transactive – Global: Payment Type, Payment Method |
ACH - AUTOPAY - Low Value Domestic Payments | Domestic Payment: FPS |
BKTPYMNT - Bank Transfer between ANZ Accounts |
ECPAY - All Electronic Transactions (Batch) | Domestic Payment: FPS, CHATS |
EPPYMNTS - Electronic and Paper Transactions (Batch) | Domestic Payment: FPS, CHATS |
MT101 - Request For Transfer - Outgoing (Quickpay) | Multibank Payment |
PAYROLL - Salary Transfer Payments (Batch) | Domestic Salary Payment: FPS |
RTGS - CHATS - Real Time Gross Settlement (Quickpay) | Domestic Payment: CHATS |
TTPYMNT - Telegraphic Transfer (Quickpay) | International Payment |
ANZ Transactive Cash Asia | ANZ Transactive – Global: Payment Type, Payment Method |
My Product | Description | |
BKTPYMNT | Book Transfer |
CASHWDRWL | Cash Withdrawal | Others: Cash Withdrawal |
ECPAY | Electronic Fund Transfer | Domestic Payment: NEFT, RTGS |
EPPYMNTS | Electronic Fund Transfer and Paper Transactions | Domestic Payment: NEFT, RTGS |
EXTECPAY | Extended Hours for NEFT/RTGS | Domestic Payment: NEFT, RTGS |
NEFTBULK | Domestic NEFT - Bulk | Domestic Payment: NEFT |
NGNEFTINST | Domestic NG NEFT - Instrument | Domestic Payment: NEFT |
RTGS | Domestic RTGS | Domestic Payment: RTGS |
TAXMISC | TAX – Miscellaneous | Others: Tax |
TDINR | Fixed TD - MISC | Others: Fixed Term Deposit |
TTPYMNT | International Telegraphic Transfer | International Payment |
ANZ Transactive Cash Asia | ANZ Transactive – Global: Payment Type, Payment Method |
My Product | Description | |
BKTPYMNT | Book Transfer |
DFTBULK | Domestic Fund Transfer - Bulk | Domestic Payment: PDDTS GSRT, PESONet |
DFTINST | Domestic Fund Transfer - Instrument | Domestic Payment: RTGS |
ECPAY | Electronic Fund Transfer | Domestic Payment: PDDTS GSRT, PESONet, RTGS |
ECPAYDBU | Electronic Fund Transfer (DBU) | Domestic Payment: PDDTS GSRT, PESONet, RTGS |
EPPYMNTS | Electronic Fund Transfer and Paper | Domestic Payment: PDDTS GSRT, PESONet, RTGS |
INCFTBULK | Intercompany Fund Transfer Bulk | Not available in ANZ Transactive – Global. |
INCFTINST | Intercompany Fund Transfer Inst | Not available in ANZ Transactive – Global. |
INTRATRF | Intra Company Transfer ANZ Accounts |
PAYROLL | Salary Transfer Payments | Domestic Salary Payment: PESONet |
RTGS | Domestic RTGS | Domestic Payment: RTGS |
TTPYMNT | International Telegraphic Transfer | International Payment |
TTRTGSPAY | Inter-company payments | Not available in ANZ Transactive – Global. |
- PayNow will not be immediately available.
- Unique Entity Number (UEN) will be the only PayNow Proxy type available for registration in ANZ Transactive – Global.
ANZ Transactive Cash Asia: Payment Product | ANZ Transactive – Global: Payment Type, Payment Method |
ACH-GIRO - Low Value Domestic Payments (Quick Pay) | Domestic Payment: ACH |
BKTPYMNT-Bank Transfer between ANZ Accounts (Quick Pay) |
DFTBULK-Domestic Fund Transfer – Bulk | Domestic Payment: ACH |
ECPAY-All Electronic Payments | Domestic Payment: ACH, MEPS, FAST |
FASTBPYMT-FAST SGD – Batch | Domestic Payment: FAST |
FASTIPYMT-FAST SGD - Instrument (Quick Pay) | Domestic Payment: FAST |
MT101 - Request For Transfer (Outgoing) (Quick Pay) | Multibank Payment |
PAYROLL-Salary Transfer Payments | Domestic Salary Payment: ACH |
RTGS-SG: MEPS - Real Time Gross Settlement (Quick Pay) | Domestic Payment: MEPS |
TTPYMNT-Telegraphic Transfer (Quick Pay) | International Payment |
ANZ Transactive Cash Asia | ANZ Transactive – Global: Payment Type, Payment Method |
My Product | Description | |
BKTPYMNT | Bank transfer between ANZ accounts in same branch |
CWNEP | Cash Withdrawal via NEP | Domestic Payment: Cash Withdrawal |
DFTBULK | Domestic Funds Transfer – Bulk | Domestic Payment: ACH, Tax, Cash Withdrawal |
DFTINST | Domestic Funds Transfer -Instrument | Domestic Payment: ACH, Tax, Cash Withdrawal |
ECPAY | All electronic payments | Multibank Payment |
EPPYMNTS | All electronic and paper transactions | Multibank Payment |
INTRATRF | Intra-company Transfer ANZ Accounts |
MT101 | Request for transfer – outgoing | Multibank Payment |
PAYROLL | Salary transfer payments | Domestic Salary Payment, International Salary Payment |
RTGSINST | Domestic funds transfer | Domestic Payment: ACH, Tax, Cash Withdrawal |
TTPYMNT | Telegraphic Transfer | International Payment |
The following payment types will be available to you in ANZ Transactive – Global.
Account Transfer | An Account Transfer allows you to move funds between two ANZ accounts that you have registered to ANZ Transactive – Global. |
Domestic Payment |
The ability to bulk debit your account for a batch of Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) payments will not be immediately available (CHATS in Hong Kong, MEPS in Singapore).
A Domestic Payment is a payment made from a single funding account to one or more beneficiary domestic accounts within the same country.
When you create a Domestic Payment from the Create Payment screen, the Payment Method will be displayed after you select the funding account, e.g.: |
Domestic Salary Payment | A Domestic Salary Payment is a payment made from a single funding account to one or more beneficiary domestic accounts within the same country. |
International Payment |
An International Payment is a payment made from a single funding account to one or more nominated beneficiary accounts worldwide using any ANZ supported and tradeable currency. |
International Salary Payment |
The ability to bulk debit your account for a batch of International Salary Payments will not be immediately available.
An International Salary Payment is a payment made from a single funding account to one or more nominated beneficiary accounts worldwide using any ANZ supported and tradeable currency. |
Multibank Payments |
As cheque processing is not available in ANZ Transactive – Global, do not include Cheque in Instruction Code Tag 23E of MT101 messages as the payment will be rejected.
A Multibank Payment allows you to send an instruction in the form of an Outward MT101 message via the SWIFT network to the bank which holds the account to process a payment on your behalf. The payment is then made by that financial institution as an International Payment or Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) Payment. |
ANZ Transactive – Global has the following payment widgets that you can use on your Workspace:
Initiate Payments |
Provides a convenient means to initiate a payment. You can choose to use a template, upload a file, use a past payment or create a payment manually. |
Payments Status |
View the current status of the payments that you have created. Click any of the statuses to see the details of the payments from the Current Payments screen. |
Pending Approval |
View Payments, Direct Debits, Beneficiaries, Payers, Payment Templates and Direct Debit Templates that are in a Pending Approval status and approve or reject them from here. |
- When approving a payment, approvers can view the debit account balance to ensure there are enough funds to cover the payment: This is subject to the approver having entitlements to view the balance and transaction reporting for the debit account.
- If a payment is released to the bank for processing and fails due to insufficient funds, approvers have the ability to 'resubmit' the payment, providing funds become available in the account prior to the cut-off time on the same value date. This eliminates the need to re-create and obtain approvals for the payment again. For more information, refer to the Resubmit Payment article.
- Upgrading existing payment release users to have ‘Approve’ entitlements. This will require users to complete KYC Identity Verifications to comply with local regulations.
- Update the approval model for payments to adopt a Panel Authorisation matrix with a Fixed Last sequence, allowing former payment Releasers to be the final approvers. For more information, refer to the Authorisation Panels article.
Periodic Payments will be available to you in ANZ Transactive – Global which will allow you to setup and manage a series of recurring payment instances based on a set schedule.
Please note the following differences to Standing Instructions in ANZ Transactive Cash Asia:
- Monthly frequency only
- After a schedule has been created, a payment instance is created approximately seven days before the value date and will be available to view and approve.
- Payment needs to be approved at each instance to execute on Value Date and can be approved prior to Value Date
- Periodic Payments cannot be copied
- Periodic payments can be identified in the Current Payments screen via the Template Name column which will start with “PPY”:
- Non-business day handling: If the Next Run Date is a non-business day, the payment Value Date will either be the previous or next business day, based on the schedule. Below are some examples for how non business days are handled:
Start Day Repeat On Non-Business Days Next Run Date Payment Created On Payment Value Date 19 June Day 26 Process on previous business day 26 June (Sat) 19 June 25 June 19 June Day 26 Process on next business day 26 June (Sat) 19 June 28 June 19 June Day 25 Either choose is not looked at as Next run Date is a business day 25 June (Fri) 18 June 25 June 19 June Day 19 Process on next business day 19 June (Sat) 19 June 21 June
To create a payment template in ANZ Transactive – Global, you will go to the Payments > Templates screen, click New on the Control Bar and then and select the Payment Type:
Templates in ANZ Transactive – Global will be approved from the Payments > Templates screen:
As a template moves through the workflow in ANZ Transactive - Global, it goes through a number of different statuses as a result of the actions performed on it. The following table details each template status and what actions can be performed on a template in each status.
Draft | The template has been created and is in a Draft status. |
Pending Approval | The template has been created and is awaiting approval. |
Approver Rejected | The template has been rejected by an Approver. It will need to be edited if necessary and resubmitted for approval. |
Needs Repair | Indicates that there is an error with the template which needs repair before it can be approved. |
Approved | The template has been approved and is ready for use. |
Deleted | The template has been deleted. |
- Double-Check: The payment creator should double-check all details before submission.
- Team Review: Another team member can review the payment details and inform the approvers that the review is complete outside ANZ Transactive - Global (e.g. via email).
- Careful Approval: Approvers should carefully review all details before giving their approval.
- Upgrading existing payment verifier users to have ‘Approve’ entitlements. This will require users to complete KYC Identity Verifications to comply with local regulations.
- Update the approval model for payments to adopt a Panel Authorisation matrix. This allows former Payment Verifiers to be the first approvers, followed by existing approvers. For more information, refer to the Authorisation Panels article.