Geography: This article is applicable for eligible ANZ Transactive – Global customers banking in Singapore. Full details are available in Features by Geography.
PayNow Corporate enables corporates to pay and receive Singapore Dollar funds instantaneously using its account Alias without the need to know or disclose any account numbers. Eligibility Singapore customers can create and manage PayNow account Aliases in ANZ Transactive – Global via the Alias Management screen.
The Alias Management screen provides you with a list of your active and deregistered Aliases in an Approved, Approver Rejected, Pending Approval - Create or Pending Approval - Deregister workflow status.
- Right-click on a row to display the Context Menu where you can Approve, Reject, Deregister or View Audit History.
- Click on a row to view the Singapore UEN Alias details screen.
- To view statuses, refer to the Alias Statuses article.
Control Bar
View | Change to View All Aliases or Aliases in an Active, Deregistered, Pending Approval or Approver Rejected status. |
New | Click New to create an Alias. |
Group | Group data on the screen by predefined criteria. |
Filter | Filter data on the screen. Enter criteria into one or more text boxes that are under each column heading to display matching records. |
Export | Export the records on screen into a CSV file. |
Refresh | Refresh the records on screen. |
Settings | Use Settings to save the View and Group selected. |
For information on how to customise grids, click here.
Alias ID | The Alias ID is a company’s Unique Entity Number (UEN) and a three letter alpha-numeric suffix. |
Alias Type | The Alias Type UEN. |
Linked Account | The account number linked to the Alias. |
Alias Name | The name displayed when paying to the Alias. |
Status | The status of the Alias. |
Workflow | The workflow status of the Alias. |
Division | The Division the Alias belongs to. |
Country/Region | The Country/Region of the Alias. |