Geography: This article is applicable for ANZ Transactive - Global customers banking in Australia and New Zealand. Full details are available in Features by Geography.
Company Administrators must complete Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements for each geography you operate in, and log in with a security device to perform administration tasks.
To generate a temporary password for a Company Managed user, follow the steps below:
Click Administration > User Management menu.
Search for the user to generate a password for. Use one of the following methods:
Method 1: Use Filter from the Control Bar and enter searchable criteria, or
Method 2: Sort columns by clicking the column heading to reorder column by ascending or descending order.
Use one of the following methods to access the user profile and generate the password:
Method 1: Right-click on the user and click Generate Password on the Context Menu
Method 2: Select the user and click Actions > Generate Password on the Control Bar
Method 3: Click on the user in the list to display the User Details screen and then click Generate Password on the Control Bar
Click Yes.
RESULT: The result will be dependent on your organisation's Administration Model:
One Administrator
A 'Generate Password' pop-up window shows the user's new temporary password. Provide the password to the user, who will need to change it at their next login. The user profile is now in an Approved workflow status.
Dual or triple Administrators
The request will require additional approval. The user profile is now in a Pending Approval - Password Reset workflow status. The user profile requires another Administrator(s) to either approve the action or reject.
Errors and Alerts
Know Your Customer validation:
Company Administrators need to provide additional Know Your Customer (KYC) documents to meet regional regulations for all geographies you operate in, outside of Australia and New Zealand. Please contact ANZ to complete the KYC process.
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YouTube videos may not be available in some ANZ geographies.