Geography: This article is applicable for ANZ Transactive - Global customers banking in Australia and New Zealand. Full details are available in Features by Geography.
Company Administrators must complete Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements for each geography you operate in, and log in with a security device to perform administration tasks. Please note that this requirement does not apply to the Reject and View functions.
About managing user profiles
User profiles in ANZ Transactive - Global are created by ANZ or Company Administrators. Company Administrators can approve, delete, disable, edit, enable, reject, and view these profiles. Managing profiles depends on your user entitlements and completion of Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements for each geography you operate in.
The following images are examples of the User Management grid, User profile screen and User Permission settings. Options available are based on the user's entitlements in the geographies they operate in.
User Management grid
User Details
User Permissions settings
Division and Payments
Confidential Data Group and Payment Purpose
Approval Discretions (Payments)
Balance & Transaction Reporting
Approval Discretions (Receivables)
Approve User
Organisations with dual or triple Administration Models are required to approve or reject actions made to a user's profile. Actions that require approval are listed below:
To approve a user profile, follow the steps below:
Click Administration > User Management menu.
Search and select the user with a pending action to be approved. Use one of the following methods:
Method 1: Click View > Workflow Status > Pending Approval, or
Method 2: Use Filter from the Control Bar and enter searchable criteria, or
Method 3: Sort columns by clicking the column heading to reorder column by ascending or descending order.
Use one of the following methods to approve the user with a pending action:
Method 1: Right-click on the user and click Approve on the Context Menu, or
Method 2: Select the user and click Actions > Approve on the Control Bar, or
Method 3: Click on the user in the list to display the User Details screen and then click Approve on the Control Bar.
Click Yes to approve the changes made to the user profile.
RESULT: The following results will be dependent on the action approved:
Creation of user
A 'Generate Password' pop-up window shows the user's temporary password. Provide the User ID and password to the new user, who will need to change it at their next login. The user profile is now in an Active status and an Approved workflow status.
Modifications made to permissions
A confirmation message indicates the action was successful and modifications applied to the user profile. The user profile is now in an Approved workflow status.
Password generation
A 'Generate Password' pop-up window shows the user's new temporary password. Provide the password to the user, who will need to change it at their next login. The user profile is now in an Approved workflow status.
Enabling the user
A confirmation message indicates the action was successful. The user profile is now in an Active status and an Approved workflow status.
Deleting the user
A confirmation message indicates the action was successful. The user profile is now in a Deleted status and an Approved workflow status.
Delete User
Once a user profile has been deleted, it cannot be reversed. To reinstate the user's access, a new user profile is required. For more information, please refer to Create User.
You can delete an ANZ Managed user where the following conditions are met:
The user has access to ANZ Transactive - Global only or ANZ Transactive - Global plus ANZ Liquidity Management
If the user has a Commercial Cards role, they have the Reporting Officer or Authorised to Enquire role
Search and select the user to be deleted. Use one of the following methods:
Method 1: Use Filter from the Control Bar and enter searchable criteria, or
Method 2: Sort columns by clicking the column heading to reorder column by ascending or descending order.
Use one of the following methods to delete the user:
Method 1: Right-click on the user and click Delete on the Context Menu, or
Method 2: Select the user and click Actions > Delete on the Control Bar, or
Method 3: Click on the user in the list to display the User Details screen and then click Delete on the Control Bar.
Click Yes.
A pre-confirmation message will appear indicating user's digital channel(s).
Select the checkbox then click Delete.
RESULT: The result will be dependent on your organisation's Administration Model:
One Administrator
A confirmation message indicates the user profile is deleted.The user profile is now in an Approved workflow status.
Dual or triple Administrators
The request will require additional approval. The user profile is now in a Pending Approval - Delete workflow status. The user profile will remain in the Disabled status. The user profile requires another Administrator(s) to either approve the action before the changes can be implemented or rejected.
Disable User
When you disable a user’s access, they will be unable to log into the system. The following functions will still operate:
‘In-flight’ payments and direct debit requests that the user created before they were disabled will continue to move through the payment approval and release process
Any payments or direct debit requests released by the user prior to being disabled will continue to be extracted and processed by ANZ systems
You will continue to be charged for any of these activities that result in a fee
To disable a user profile, follow the steps below:
Click Administration > User Management menu.
Search and select the user to be disabled. Use one of the following methods:
Method 1: Use Filter from the Control Bar and enter searchable criteria, or
Method 2: Sort columns by clicking the column heading to reorder column by ascending or descending order.
Use one of the following methods to disable the user:
Method 1: Right-click on the user and click Disable on the Context Menu, or
Method 2: Select the user and click Actions > Disable on the Control Bar, or
Method 3: Click on the user in the list to display the User Details screen and then click Disable on the Control Bar.
Click Yes.
RESULT: A confirmation message indicates the user profile is disabled. The user profile is now in a Disabled status.
Click View > Managed By on the Control Bar from the User Management menu, or
Click on the user from the User Management grid and refer to the Managed By field on the top right of screen.
To edit a user profile, follow the steps below:
Click Administration > User Management menu.
Search and select the user to be edited. Use one of the following methods:
Method 1: Use Filter from the Control Bar and enter searchable criteria, or
Method 2: Sort columns by clicking the column heading to reorder column by ascending or descending order.
Use one of the following methods to edit the user:
Method 1: Right-click on the user and click Edit on the Context Menu, or
Method 2: Select the user and click Actions > Edit on the Control Bar, or
Method 3: Click on the user in the list to display the User Details screen and then click Edit on the Control Bar.
If required, edit the Company ManagedUser Details. Fields include:
First Name / Last Name / Preferred Name
Email Address
Mobile Phone Number
If required, edit Account/Account Groups.
Account Group Management enables your organisation to group a set of accounts together. You can then entitle the account group to one or more users. When an account group is modified, this is reflected in all users that have permissions to the account group. For more information, refer to Create Account Group.
Click Settings from User Permissions grid for the Role Name you wish to update:
Add Account to Payments
To update accounts for a payment product, use one of the following methods to add all accounts, add selected accounts or account groups or remove accounts:
Method 1: Select All to add all accounts for the payment product
Method 2: Select Selected > Add to add selected accounts or account groups, then click OK
Method 3: Select None to remove all accounts for the payment product
Click Save
RESULT: The user profile is updated, pending final approval.
Add Account to Balance & Transaction Reporting
To update accounts for Balance & Transaction Reporting (BTR), use one of the following methods to add all accounts, add selected accounts or account groups or remove accounts:
Method 1: Select All to add all accounts for BTR
Method 2: Select Selected > Add to add selected accounts or account groups, then click OK
Method 3: Select None to remove all accounts for BTR
Click Save
RESULT: The user profile is updated, pending final approval.
Add Account to Receivables
To update accounts for a receivables product, use one of the following methods to add all accounts, add selected accounts or account groups or remove accounts:
Method 1: Select All to add all accounts for the receivables product
Method 2: Select Selected > Add to add selected accounts or account groups, then click OK
Method 3: Select None to remove all accounts for the receivables product
Click Save
RESULT: The user profile is updated, pending final approval.
If required, addRoles to a user profile.
Copy Permissions from Another User
Click Copy Permissions from Another User
Select another user in the Select A User pop-up window. You can search for a user by entering any part of the user's User ID, First Name or Last Name.
Click Copy From User
RESULT: A pop-up message indicates which new permissions have been added to the user or advising that the selected user’s permissions cannot be copied.
Click OK
Add Permissions
Click Add Permissions
RESULT: The Select A Role pop-up window is displayed.
Select a system or custom role to assign to the user and click Continue
RESULT: The Permissions Settings pop-up window is displayed.
If your organisation is setup with multiple Divisions, select the Division to entitle to the user
Change the default Permission Settings if required and click Add Permission. For more information on the available attributes for each role, click here.
RESULT: A confirmation message is displayed and the role is added to the User Permissions table.
To assign additional roles to the user, repeat steps 1 - 4. Note that only one Commercial Cards role can be assigned to a user.
If required, edit a user's Permissions within a Role.
Select the Permission Settings icon for the role
Edit the permissions as required and click Save. For more information on the available attributes for each role, please refer to User Permissions.
If required, Remove Roles from a user profile.
Select the checkbox against the Role Name
Click Remove Permissions
If required, add or edit a user's Authorisation Group (A-J) as per the Authorisation Panel settings.
Click Save.
RESULT: The result will be dependent on your organisation's Administration Model:
One Administrator
A confirmation message indicates the user profile is updated. The user profile is now in an Approved workflow status.
Dual or triple Administrators
The request will require additional approval. The user profile is now in a Pending Approval - Modify workflow status. The user profile requires another Administrator(s) to either approve the action before the changes can be implemented or rejected.
Enable User
To enable a user who has a Disabled User Status, follow the steps below.
Click Administration > User Management menu.
Search and select the user to be enabled. Use one of the following methods:
Method 1: Click View > User Status > Disabled, or
Method 2: Use Filter from the Control Bar and enter searchable criteria, or
Method 3: Sort columns by clicking the column heading to reorder column by ascending or descending order.
Use one of the following methods to enable the user:
Method 1: Right-click on the user and click Enable on the Context Menu, or
Method 2: Select the user and click Actions > Enable on the Control Bar, or
Method 3: Click on the user in the list to display the User Details screen and then click Enable on the Control Bar.
Click Yes.
RESULT: The result will be dependent on your organisation's Administration Model:
One Administrator
A confirmation message indicates the user profile is enabled. The user profile is now in an Active status and an Approved workflow status.
Dual or triple Administrators
The request will require additional approval. The user profile is now in a Pending Approval - Enable workflow status. The user profile requires another Administrator(s) to either approve the action before the changes can be implemented or rejected.
Reject User
Organisations with dual or triple Administration Models are required to approve or reject actions made to a user's profile. To reject a user profile, follow the steps below:
Click Administration > User Management menu.
Search and select the user to be enabled. Use one of the following methods:
Method 1: Click View > Workflow Status > choose any of the Pending Approval statuses, or
Method 2: Use Filter from the Control Bar and enter searchable criteria, or
Method 3: Sort columns by clicking the column heading to reorder column by ascending or descending order.
Use one of the following methods to reject the created or edited user:
Method 1: Right-click on the user and click Reject on the Context Menu, or
Method 2: Select the user and click Actions > Reject on the Control Bar, or
Method 3: Click on the user in the list to display the User Details screen and then click Reject on the Control Bar.
Enter your Rejection comment then click Reject.
RESULT: The following results will be dependent on the action approved:
Creation of user
The user profile is now in a Deleted status and an Approved workflow status.
Modifications made to permissions
The changes made to the user will not be implemented. The user profile is now in an Approved workflow status.
Password generation
The user status will remain unchanged. The user profile is now in an Approved workflow status.
Enabling the user
The user profile is now in a Disabled status and an Approved workflow status.
Deleting the user
The user profile will remain Disabled and in an Approved workflow status.
View User
To view a user profile, follow the steps below:
Click Administration > User Management menu.
Search and select the user to be enabled. Use one of the following methods:
Method 1: Click View > choose from User status, Workflow status or Managed by, or
Method 2: Use Filter from the Control Bar and enter searchable criteria, or
Method 3: Sort columns by clicking the column heading to reorder column by ascending or descending order.
Use one of the following methods to view the user:
Method 1: Right-click on the user and click View on the Context Menu, or
Method 2: Select the user and click Actions > View on the Control Bar, or
Method 3: Click on the user in the list to display the User Details screen.
Next Steps:
Click Close to return to the User Management screen, or
Click one of the options from the Control Bar to action, e.g., Approve, Reject, Edit, Delete, Enable, Disable, Generate Password, or
Click View Audit History to see the date and time an action was performed to the user profile.
Errors and Alerts
Error and alert messages such as 'fields validations' display information about the impacted field(s) and highlights the field(s) in red. You can update the information within the impacted field(s) and continue processing.
Mandatory field validations:
Know Your Customer validation:
Company Administrators need to provide additional Know Your Customer (KYC) documents to meet regional regulations for all geographies you operate in, outside of Australia and New Zealand. Please contact ANZ to complete the KYC process.
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YouTube videos may not be available in some ANZ geographies.